7 Timeless Truths That Will Make You Rethink Your Approach To Life

7 Tijdloze waarheden die ervoor zorgen dat u uw benadering van het leven heroverweegt

Foto door Greg Rakozy op  Unsplash

T ruth is niet gemaakt, maar gevonden. Als een ontdekkingsreiziger die op zoek is naar verborgen schatten, ben ik altijd op zoek naar tijdloze waarheden.

Een tijdloze waarheid is een universele stelregel die onze interacties bepaalt - net zoals de natuurwetten het universum regeren. Van elk ervan kan worden afgeleid dat het altijd dezelfde resultaten oplevert.

I arrived at the following list through constant reflection and relentless experimentation. Each one is powerful and applicable to your life.

I hope you enjoy this list and that it helps you become your best self. Follow me as I plan to expand on each of these truths in my Reaching Your Potential series.


1.) You Will Seldom Regret The Things You Do in life, But You Will Always Regret The Things You Don’t

Thirty years from now (or sooner) you will be nearing retirement. Your working days will be spent and your chance to get everything you wanted out of life will be drawing to an end. Many people put off the things they really want to do in life until “someday" in the future, but the reality is, unless we are intentional, that day never comes. Don’t be at the end of your life looking back saying, I wish I would have done things differently. Follow your passion, share experiences with lots of people, and never, ever, be afraid to take risks, because that is the only way to get everything you want out of life.

2.) People Won’t Remember How Important You Are But they Will Remember How Important You Made Them Feel

Most people go through life trying to show others how important they are. However, those people fail to realize that other’s aren’t nearly as interested in you as much as they are in themselves. The best way to be important in the eyes of others, is to show others how important they are in your eyes. I am not suggesting manipulation — that is shallow and easily dismissed — but a genuine regard for people and an attitude that sees their value and significance. If you take this approach others will feel important around you and in turn, they will consider you one of the most important people they know.

3.) You Can Always Find Greener Grass If You Pay Attention To Where You Water It

It is so easy to look at what other people have and think they have it so much better than you. However, the ironic part is that those people are usually looking right back at what you have and thinking the same thing. Don’t ever let the bully of comparison steal your joy. The secret to contentment is to look at everything with an attitude of thankfulness. Choosing to be grateful for what is in your life is like watering a field, it allows everything in it to flourish.

4.) The Most Valuable Thing In This World Is Time And You Are Always Spending It

All of us make time for what is important to us, but we don’t always make time for what is important. The way we spend our time is always a reflection of our priorities. Each day we have an opportunity to prioritize the things that really matter — such as our family, our health, and our faith — and stop prioritizing the things that don’t. Remember, each of us has a finite number of years on this earth and only God knows what we have left. Make every moment count.

5.) There is Nothing at The Top of Every Mountain But the View of Everything Still Unconquered

The greatest moments in life are not the completion of goals but the journey to achieve them. When we are in the arena with dust on our face, exerting all we have to overcome the perils of life, that is what gives our life meaning. Don’t think for a moment that reaching the pinnacle of any journey is the end; because that is not the end but the beginning. It is in this place that we feel, more than ever, the desire to charge forward and embrace the challenges that lie ahead.

6.) Every Time You Reach The End of Your Abilities You Have The Choice to Press in or Stop Growing.

We all come to situations in our life where we feel like we are in over our heads. These are crucial moments because how we respond to them determines our future. If we press into them and grow, so does our potential to achieve everything we want out of life. Likewise, when we avoid or shrink back in these situations we let go of a little piece of our dreams, goals, and aspirations.

7.) Uw potentieel wordt niet bepaald door uw succes, maar door uw bereidheid om te falen en door te gaan.

Don’t fear failure, it is the one thing that has the power to grow both your character and your competence. Successful people are not those who never fail, but those who fail repeatedly, learn from it, and keep going. Every time we step out of our comfort zone and embrace new failures, we are building a foundation upon which every success in our life will stand.


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