A better way to build – The Startup – Medium

De gebruiker die de held is

Een betere manier om te bouwen

Door de gebruikers vooraan te houden en te midden van alle processen die we ontwerpen en ontwikkelen.

Hektor is een startup die probeert een bruikbare oplossing te ontwerpen voor onze jonge klanten die:

Een stuk slimmer met technologie.

Een beperkte tijdspanne hebben voor iedereen die probeert ze te bereiken.

Aandachtsspanne van een internetgebruiker <goudvis

Wil je dat producten echt nuttig voor ze zijn? Het moet een probleem oplossen dat nog niet is aangepakt door traditionele merken / diensten die ze al gebruiken.

Gemakkelijke, nuttige dagelijkse producten

There are many ways to identify these problems and understand the needs of users, such as usability testing, interviewing users, discussions with business stakeholders, and conducting surveys. However one technique that has grown in popularity and acceptance is the use of personas: the development of archetypal users to direct the vision and design of a solution.

Thus from all the research we did to understand who this user is and to feel their emotional journey, we needed to create these “Persona’s" who act as ‘stand-ins’ for real users and help guide decisions about functionality and design.

Meet the persona’s

Primary Persona 1
Primary Persona 2

Keeping these persona’s in mind, we started listing out all the problem we could identify in regard to their need to save and their relationship with finance.

The problem statements

“If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution"-Albert Einstein

● Savings is hard because there’s no instant feedback; it’s too far away in the future.

● Unexpected expenditure makes savings difficult.

● Planning is too long term; it’s not front of mind, so hard to plan for the future. Present self always wins over the future self

● Keeping tabs on finances is tough.

Going back to the white board we started pinning down the problems we identified more specifically and hence started prioritising them. This gave us clarity and perspective to the process, highlighting the areas to tackle first and what can be pushed down for later.

The uncertainty mapping

Now we had a prioritised plan, we started by focussing on the highest impact/uncertainty pointers in the top right quadrant. The goal was to reduce the uncertainty so we can move the points to the left of the board.

Reducing uncertainty in the most impactful areas was the key to reducing project risk and maximising your chance of successfully releasing a product, and a successful product at that.

Thus getting to the solution statement

To build a savings tool that encourages the habit to save.

A tool to save/ invest money in a effortless and fun way for the things that actually matter by integrating with the user’s lifestyle.

Hektor needs to be :

A Need analyser

An Overspend preventer

A Good behaviour rewarder

By making it mindless, fun & automated.

The Mission: To build an ecosystem to help young people to start saving by minimising fear of money, encouraging them to be financially healthier and educate them to build better behaviour and make informed decisions.

Our plan to build better

With the solution and mission in place, we can now put in all our energy towards creating a detailed value proposition and designing the solution.

Every brand as we know it has 3 main features to its existence.

  1. 1The on boarding: To help users understand what you do and to test whether its a useful solution for them
  2. 2The actual functionality: To make the solution as easy to use and to make sure that the process flow is smooth and effortless
  3. 3The engagement: To make the solution so useful and interesting to use, that it forces the user to keep using it.

Using the persona’s we framed and understanding their journeys led us to getting started with the solutions and the next steps to the design process. This I will elaborate on in the following post.

The learnings

Research and interaction with actual users is an ongoing process, with every interaction is a new finding and a new learning. Thus making the persona’s we create to grow and have more dimension as we mature.

Creating the user journey is actually the most productive exercise which helps businesses actually get into the user’s shoes and understand how they think and feel. This throws light to any minute details that get missed out in research and analyses.

To talk to a user in a language they actually understand first of all requires a thorough understanding on who they are and how they like to communicate. Once a brand has managed to understand the user’s pains, and can talk like them it can be said that its half the battle won.

We want to inspire our users, empower our younger generation, and make sure everyone feels safer and confident with their money. That’s a huge responsibility, but also an exciting opportunity, and in many ways, we’re just getting started.

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