A Nonprofit for Nonprofits: Contributing Your Quota by Helping Those Who Help

Een non-profitorganisatie voor non-profitorganisaties: uw quotum bijdragen door diegenen die helpen te helpen

Credits: Pixabay

Wat als uw bedrijf niet werd gemeten aan de hand van het geld dat het verdiende?

Wat als uw balans was hoeveel lachende gezichten en het aantal organisaties dat u services aanbood?

Wat als uw services trendy en hi-tech waren?

Maak kennis met NPNP. Een hypothetische non-profitorganisatie die op maat gemaakte softwareontwikkeling aanbiedt aan andere non-profitorganisaties, als donaties.

Hun werknemers zijn geen vrijwilligers.

NPNP staat voor Non-profitorganisatie voor non-profitorganisaties. Het biedt web- en mobiele ontwikkelingsdiensten met behulp van moderne technologieën zoals React, Redux, Angular en Node. Hun gebruikersinterfaces zijn glanzend en bieden prachtige gebruikerservaringen.

NPNP is agile and highly responsive. Their team is lean and high-performance. They have great product managers. Their workers are not volunteers. Applicants are accepted only after a stringent vetting process. And of course, they keep security and compliance requirements surrounding data protection.

Is there a market for NPNP?

Christina Lynch, Marketing Manager at Helastel, noted in their blog:

NGOs and charities must use data to their advantage. We have found that NGOs and charities are placing an increased emphasis on the value of data-driven insights in order to undertake their core mission/s.
For those organisations providing urgent or emergency care services, the way in which they collect and analyse information has become critical to operational decision making.

Digitization of processes is increasingly becoming the norm. Lynch continues:

Previously, their approach to the challenge of ‘saving more lives’ or some other measurable outcome could have been to spend valuable funds on extra people or more modern equipment. Now, data science methodologies are helping coordinate and integrate swathes of disparate data sources into an engine for intelligence. These are proving highly productive, worthwhile uses of money as they target resources to where they are needed most, aiding long-term strategy as well as short-term tactical choices.

Software initiatives for nonprofits include structured education solutions that equip caregivers and their clients to engage, interact and proactively manage medical conditions. Digitization of secure personal data capture in harsh environmental conditions. Real-time data analysis and visualization tools to provide instant insight into fast-moving crisis situations.

The Marketing Manager concluded:

Software is playing an increasingly integral role in the future of charities and NGOs. This is mirroring the trend among private sector organisations that are equally keen to exploit the value of data, and achieve their objectives at the lowest possible cost.


Is NPNP viable?

There are organisations that facilitate volunteering by software developers who contribute expertise in their free time. These include the likes of Social Coder, Donate Code and Charity IT Association. So why do NGOs and charities pay for any software development?

Many projects are too complex, or too important.

NGOs and charities want more commitment than volunteering (at this).

NPNP workers are not volunteers. They are paid staff. And NPNP has to deliver your projects well to provide proof to their donors for renewal of grants.

Recipients of NPNP donations are free to make cash contributions to NPNP.

Can NPNP make software donations to for-profit organisations?

Yes. Corporations that are good corporate citizens would be more likely to receive software donations.

NPNP has a partner company that does for-profit development for surprisingly low fees, at same high quality. Organisations that fall in love with NPNP’s services and want to have them all for themselves (we really wish that was possible), would be pointed to that partner for a continued experience.


NPNP as a first-class provider of commodities and services to the underserved

Of course there would be non-disclosure agreements with the organisations it serves. NPNP could also function as a first-class provider of high value services strictly in the form of software, as software has become a commodity in the modern era.

Deze creatieve oplossingen als 'grondstoffen' kunnen 'gedistribueerd' worden naar de minderbedeelden in ontwikkelingslanden, net zoals geneesmiddelen en voedsel worden gedistribueerd. Deze kunnen gericht zijn op het minimaliseren van kindersterfte, analfabetisme en een eerlijke behandeling van vrouwen.


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