A Simple Trick of Growing and Getting Better Everyday

Een eenvoudige truc van groeien en elke dag beter worden

Het leven heeft iets voor jou.

En je kunt het ontvangen door absoluut niets te doen.

Nadruk op het woord "ontvangen".

Wat het leven je te bieden heeft, is echter vaak niet wat je wilt van het leven.

Om iets te ontvangen wat het leven je te bieden heeft, hoef je simpelweg niets te doen.

Ik vraag mezelf vaak af, hoe overleven gekke mensen op straat?

Het is eenvoudig, ze ontvangen en aanvaarden graag alles wat het leven hen aangaat.

Vanuit de prullenbak, pick offs van de weg, etc.

Ze "ontvangen" zonder enige twijfel iets.

You may say they're not healthy and so are barely living, but some are better off than those with mountains of troubles in their lives.

At least you can confirm this with the smiles and laughter you always find them wearing.

In a nutshell, you'd survive depending and “receiving" whatever life throws at you.

The only downside is that your survival could only be just.

Mind you, life doesn't throw anything at you because of a lack of abundance…

It simply reserves the best offers for those willing and bold enough to “obtain" them.

Great people are those who don't unquestionably “receive" whatever life throws at them.

They look at life squarely in the face and say, “this is what I want from you Mr. life, and I must obtain it."

Emphasis on the word “obtain."

Doing this, life smiles and says, “come take it boy!"

As a kid, sometimes I needed something, and instead of my parents or elderly ones give it to me outrightly…

They'd raise it above their heads.

Apparently, they knew my longest stretch won't bring me a mile close to it.

It wasn't like they didn't want to give it to me, they simply wanted to know how badly I needed it.

Did you have such an experience?

I bet you did!

When you told your mom you wanted to start bathing yourself, she must have smiled too and said to herself…

“See my baby is growing o!"

Life smiles a lot, you aren't just looking closely enough to see that.

Life is growth and it loves that you grow everyday.

However, the very beginning of growth starts with you demanding from life what you'd rather have.

Against “receiving" anything it offers you.

I have come to know that there's nothing humanly conceiveable that life can't offer you.

Or put better, that you can't “obtain" from life.

As long as you can conceive it, you can obtain it.

When I told Mr. life I wanted to be a digital (growth) marketer and that I wanted to earn my money in dollars, I sensed him smiling at me.

Like my elderly ones would do back then, life raised those two things up and said…

“Come “obtain" it boooyyyyy!"

After I got two digital marketing certification from Google and one from HubSpot Academy, life must've known I was coming to “obtain" that, which I demanded.

And I did, and I'm currently obtaining it.

October 2017, an entrepreneur from India emailed me to work for his startup as a digital marketer.

I earned my first $70 from him. The highest at that time, and by a single source.

Today, I'd charge 10X that amount for the same things I did for him.

Do you read the meaning?

Can you see clearly how simple this trick of growing and getting better everyday is?

What do you want from life?

Look, if I wake up tomorrow and tell life, “I want to start practicing engineering," life would simply smile again and raise it up for me to obtain.

And I'd not “obtain" it because I have a degree in engineering, but because I'd insist and do what would get me to obtain it.

Can you read another meaning here, again?

See, life doesn't have so much of a choice like you do.

The only place where you can't contest with life is that you can't rewind the hands of time and become younger.

However, you can “obtain" from life whatever you want.

It starts with growth. I mean conscious growth.

Conscious growth is knowing what you want, telling life you want it, and standing by your words by “obtaining" it.

When you plant a seed, you know the crop you'd obtain at harvest.

In the same vein, you can't plant and attempt to obtain Naira, then miraculously harvest Pounds.

Again I ask you, what would you rather obtain from life?

You may not know the size of your harvest, but you can always influence it by watering, weeding, and fertilizing it.

Obviously, only after you've planted.

So here's the simple trick to grow and get better everyday.

Tell life, without mincing words, exactly what you want.

If you want $217 millions, my dear just say it.

They say talk is cheap and free, but as a growth-conscious marketer, I know from experience that's the very beginning to “obtain" anything from life.

Life would definitely laugh very hard at you.

It would then raise that, which you seek to “obtain" very high and in its tears of laughter say…

“Come “obtain" it bboooyyyyy!"

The question should never be whether life has what you want or need in store…

Life doesn't operate on the diminishing return principles of economics…

Even if every single person on earth “obtained" that which his wildest imaginations could conceive, life would never ever run a percent close to being dry.

As a matter of fact, Life's treasures are renewed every morning.

Now once you're decided on what you'd rather obtain from life, you must be willing to work for it.

I didn't tell life I wanted to earn in dollars I folded my arms.

To “obtain" it, I worked for it.

I developed my skills and made myself worthy of it.

Apparently, I grew in that regard in other to “obtain" it.

To get better everyday, I'm simply reading, studying, taking more courses, and improving my skills everyday.

In December 2017, I earned $240, and had two major marketing publications on Medium approach me to publish my articles on their publications.

I'm growing everyday because I'd never rest on my laurels.

In fact I refuse to admit I have laurels of any kind.

You can, and should be growing and getting better everyday.

Make the decision to do so today.

Start by knowing and telling life what you'd rather “obtain" from it.

Put yourself out there and acquire the skills you'd need to obtain it.

Once you start obtaining it, never look back or rest on your laurels…

Keep studying.

Develop a reading habit.

Pay and take courses online or offline.

Do everything and anything you can to keep improving.

Doesn't these make up the simple trick of growing and getting better everyday?

For me it does, because using this same simple trick, I'm on the verge of earning over $30/day working only 5 hours/day.

What would I be doing with the rest of my time?

Reading, studying, taking more digital marketing courses, and generally improving myself.

Remember when I mentioned $217 millions?

Well, mine is way more than that…

And life is smiling at the signs on my face…

It knows I'm coming to “obtain" it.


P.S. My brand new upcoming book: “Hanging Fruit Technique" is cooking. In it I'd demystify simple steps you can take to grow your business and your life every single day online.

Stay tuned for your copy.