Everything You Need to Know About the New Instagram Algorithm - Jenn's Trends
Door Jenn Herman | 21 maart 2018 | Delen

Er is eigenlijk maar één manier om dit te zeggen: ER IS GEEN NIEUW INSTAGRAM-ALGORITME
Wat er in januari 2018 gebeurde, was een update van het Facebook- algoritme. In het geval je niet op de hoogte was van deze duidelijk waarheidsgetrouwe bewering: Instagram en Facebook zijn NIET hetzelfde. Ja, Facebook bezit Instagram. Nee, ze doen niet dezelfde dingen. Nee, een update naar een betekent niet de update naar de andere. Nee, ze werken niet op dezelfde manier.
Dus ja, er was een update van het Facebook-algoritme in januari 2018, en als je het echt wilt, kun je hier mijn gedachten hierover lezen .
Maar er waren geen significante wijzigingen in het Instagram-algoritme van laat.
Jammer genoeg was er één persoon die nog nooit een social media-strategie / update / informatie stuk had geschreven (voor zover ik weet. Ze is een artiest en blogt meestal over kunstgerelateerde onderwerpen). In haar artikel schetste ze een lange lijst met 'updates' van het algoritme. Die waren (in haar eigen woorden) "geruchten", dingen die ze "gehoord" had of dingen die ze "geloofde". Niets werd in feite beweerd of met bewijs om haar beweringen te onderbouwen.
Het artikel werd binnen enkele uren na aanvang ervan onder mijn aandacht gebracht door iemand die het had gelezen en die de geldigheid van de verklaringen in twijfel trok. Laten we zeggen dat de blik van shock op mijn gezicht zou hebben gezorgd voor een virale meme of gif!
I went on a personal mission to reverse the damage her article created. I literally spent three days of my life commenting on endless numbers of blog posts, in group chats, on various posts on social media (including my own), trying to mitigate the chaos that had swept the world. I’ll still never understand how one, so obviously questionable article, could be taken so seriously as gospel. But whatevs, it happened.
And I honestly never wanted to write a blog post on this topic. I’ve talked about it plenty, including in a very NSFW rant that you can now watch on YouTube below if you really want my unfiltered thoughts. Warning: after about the 12 minute mark, the language gets colorful and offensive to some – my passion is quite obvious.
However, for all the work I did trying to combat this false information, this “new Instagram algorithm" continues to haunt me. And I just can’t leave it alone when it comes up. Because the advice and information people are sharing is actually damaging to your Instagram strategies. If this was something that was just annoying, I wouldn’t care so much. But the “advice" these people are spewing will actually hurt your reach, engagement, and results on Instagram and I take serious issue with that.
So, alas, I write a blog post TWO months after I started trying to combat this thing originally.
You can use more than 5 hashtags. You can use up to 30 hashtags.
Hashtags are not “spam".
Guess what? Instagram LIKES hashtags! They encourage us to use them, and even to follow them. Why then would they “ban" their use or restrict their use? Think about it!
Keep using your hashtags. As many as you want, up to 30. The more you use, the more exposure you can get to new audiences and reap the benefits of all of that.
Shadow Banning
I have nothing more to say on this. It’s not true – at least not in the way people keep saying it does. Read this or watch this. What is happening, it’s an algorithmic sort on hashtags. Not a ban. Get over it.
Moving on.
Where to Put Hashtags
Good lord people. Again, Instagram doesn’t flipping care about where you put your hashtags.
Put them in the comments or in the caption. IT DOESN’T MATTER.
I promise.
Both have been tested repeatedly. They both work. There is absolutely no preference given to where they are placed. It’s entirely a matter of personal preference. I’m lazy so they go in my caption. Some people like them separate in the comments. Do what makes you happy.
10% of Your Audience
This may be one of the biggest pieces of BS that came out of this article. It was stated that Instagram will show your new posts to 10% of your audience and based on their interactions with your post, Instagram will determine if it will show the content to the rest of your audience.
I actually had to pick myself up off the floor after reading this. I was literally laughing that hard. This is beyond comical and proves how little people understand the Instagram algorithm. Oh, which by the way, if you want to understand that, here’s an article that will answer that for you.
But let me explain something really quick. Instagram doesn’t selectively show your content to a specific portion of your audience. No. Really.
Those people who frequently interact with your content will see your content high in their feeds. Same as always. Those people who don’t typically interact with your content will have it appear lower in their feeds. Like before.
The algorithm is based predominantly on individual interactions of each user with each account they follow – not so much on general popularity.
Oh, and to clarify again: INSTAGRAM DOES NOT HIDE ANY CONTENT FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS. The content is simply sorted by the algorithm. Technically, any user that scrolls far enough in their feeds will see each and every post of everyone they follow.
In addition to the thrill of the previous statement about showing content to a selective group first, the article also said that your content exposure is based on your personal responsiveness to comments on your post. It was proposed that you must respond to all comments on your post within one hour in order to let Instagram know you’re active and ensure they show your content to more people.
My stomach is starting to hurt from all the laughing I do from these statements!
And on an added fun side note, every. single. person. that claims this statement fails to respond to comments on their own Instagram within an hour. So, obviously they think this shiz is serious! Hahahaha
Ok, so let’s clarify.
Yes, Instagram wants you to be responsive and engaged. But there has never been any algorithm update or notification stating anything about you “needing" to do anything for responsiveness. Now, for the record, I highly recommend (and encourage all of my clients) to respond to all legit (not obvious spam) comments because genuine conversations are great community building practices.
But there is no requirement to do so, nor is there an actual time limit on this!
So, go interact, be normal, and stop stressing out about how quickly you responded. Life’s too short for that kind of stress.
Comments More than 2 or 4 Words
There was one sort of truth in this whole article which was related to the interpretation of certain comments being spam. Last year sometime, it was proposed that Instagram would view comments of two words (like “great photo" or “nice work") as spam and not qualify them as interaction, and may also have you labeled as a spam or bot account if this is what you did.
Let me be clear, I have never seen anything from Instagram to corroborate any of these statements or assumptions. That being said, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not true – sort of.
If you always comment with the same “nice photo" on every single photo you comment on, then yes, you may look like spam and Instagram will likely flag your account. But, if you are an actual human being and comment with unique comments when you comment, Instagram will know you’re not a bot, and even if that one time you write “great pic" or “love it!", you’ll be ok.
It is often suggested that if you watch someone’s Stories frequently, that their regular content will appear higher in your home feed as well. This is a common misconception that I and others have tested multiple times.
It’s not true.
If you regularly watch certain people’s Stories, the Stories will appear “higher" (more to the left) in the Stories banner. But it has no impact on where their regular content appears in your feed. If you never interact with their regular content, it will continue to rank low in your feed.
Editing Posts
This one got me to chuckle too! Seriously, why would Instagram care if you edit a post? I have news for you: they don’t!
You can edit a post 30 seconds after you share it, an hour later, a day later, or whenever you feel the need to. Without risk of penalization. It’s ok. I promise.
Deleting Posts
To be honest, I don’t know why people delete posts. I mean, you can archive them if you don’t want them on your profile anymore and that way you retain the data, analytics, comments, etc. for your own reference.
And, even if a post “sucks" in your mind, it’s still something you made a commitment to share. So, if it failed you, figure out why and don’t do it again. But leave it there as part of your dialogue. Unless it’s actually offensive or something really bad.
So, deleting is weird, in my opinion, anyways.
But if you really want to delete something, go for it. There is no penalty for doing so. Go nuts!
There you have it. A complete debunking of the “new" Instagram algorithm. Because there isn’t one to talk about!
I can promise you that if changes come out, if testing shows something, or if I find out an update to anything currently known to be true, I will share it with you.
Those of you who know me, know this.
If you’re just finding me via this blog post, and you’re wondering who the heck I am, I am happy to let you know (even though I typically don’t blatantly list my accomplishments). Because, yes, everyone believed a random artist with no credibility in the social media space, but everyone questions my proof sources!
I have literally written the book on Instagram: Instagram for Business for Dummies (yes, of the actual Dummies series). I am the world’s forefront blogger on Instagram marketing. I have written well over 100 blog posts dedicated to Instagram marketing here on this site alone (plus hundreds more on other social media topics). I have written for various reputable publications. I have been interviewed on countless podcasts and interviews. I have been featured in Inc., Yahoo Finance, and Fox News. I have been interviewed multiple times on CBS Radio LA and been interviewed on camera for TV news broadcast. I have spoken at and keynoted some of the biggest social media conferences in the world.
I work with a variety of people around the world and collaborate with professionals, including many 3rd party tools you all use, to get accurate information as it happens and as it changes and to understand how it will impact you. I work with people around the world to test new and beta features as they roll out. People share information with me when they get it so that we can make sense of it and share it with you in an accurate way.
This is why, on occasion, things “break" and lots of sources write about them but I don’t – because I’m testing and proving before I share publicly. Because I value the credibility of the information before the hype.
If you still have questions about me or any of this algorithm stuff, the comments below are open for you to leave a question. I will personally answer you – openly and honestly.
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6 responses to “Everything You Need to Know About the New Instagram Algorithm"
Thank you. Now I’m even more sorry I missed you at SMMW. Sharing this puppy widely.
Jenn Herman says:
Aww! I’m sorry I missed you too. Thank you for sharing though
Thanks Jen for the heads up. There’s a lot of crap on the internet. We understand your frustration and glad you took the time to make it right.
Jenn Herman says:
Thanks Michelle! I’m glad you appreciate the effort to correct the information
This is unbelievable, I learned all these lies from the Influencer Podcast by Julie Solomon! I have been wondering if I was shadow banned too smh. Thanks for letting us know!
Jenn Herman says:
Het spijt me zeer! Helaas beweren zoveel mensen dat dit waar is, zelfs als achtenswaardige bronnen en mensen geloofden dat het "moet" waar zijn en toen begonnen ze het ook te delen. Het is bizar hoe snel de verkeerde info zich verspreidde, maar ik ben blij dat je deze post hebt gevonden om dit allemaal te verduidelijken.
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Source: www.jennstrends.com