Growth Hacking: How to Acquire Users
Wat is gedekt
Ik behandel elk geavanceerd onderwerp voor het verwerven en converteren van klanten.
Ik krijg gelijk in elke sectie waar het om gaat. Er is geen verwarring.
Blader verder naar beneden om mijn intro voor groeihacking te lezen.
- Bestemmingspagina's: schrijf hoge-conversiepagina's.
- A / B-testen: continu de conversieratio's verbeteren.
De geavanceerde handleiding voor gebruikersacquisitie.
Dit is geschreven door iemand die groei boekt voor een tiental Y Combinator-startups. Het is modern vanaf begin 2018.
Dit handboek voor het hacken van groei biedt een vaardigheid op het niveau van een agentschap op het gebied van gebruikersacquisitie en conversie-optimalisatie. Het wordt algemeen aanbevolen binnen Silicon Valley.
Het bevat alles wat u nodig hebt om gebruikers realistisch te verwerven en de conversie ter plaatse te verhogen.
Deze gids verspil je tijd niet met marketingclichés of advies voor beginnende SEO-bedrijven.
'Over een jaar verwacht je dat je vandaag bent begonnen. "
- Karen Lamb
Over Julian
My day job is running the growth agency, Bell Curve. Before that, I built an open source animation engine, Velocity.js, and grew that into one of the biggest front-end libraries.
As for the guide you're reading now: In my free time, I spend hundreds of hours researching topics to write concise, book-quality handbooks. I publish them for free.
If you were impressed with the quality of my Build Muscle handbook, you know I deliver on claims of quality.
Come say hello on Twitter.
How to use this handbook
This handbook isn't going to be exciting, but it will be very insightful. And it'll leave you in the best position you've ever been in to grow a company efficiently.
This knowledge is applicable to companies of all sizes and verticals. I cover a range of introductory and advanced B2B and B2C tactics, making this appropriate for growth marketers of every skill level.
If you're researching a startup ideaExpand
If your startup just launchedExpand
If your company has achieved product-market fitExpand
If you're a managerExpand
Growth hacking
Growth hacking is actually a silly term. I'm only using it because it'll help with the SEO exposure of this handbook :) In reality, growth is not a series of "hacks." It's a rigorous methodology founded upon experimentation, data collection, and human psychology.
It also goes by the names performance marketing and growth marketing.
I don't know what growth hacking isExpand
The growth funnel
The growth funnel is the lifetime journey your customer experiences when interacting with your company. It's actually just a cute name for the customer acquisition pipeline:
Growth marketers know how these funnel steps interrelate:
If you don’t have processes for optimizing each of these steps, you're not fully implementing growth marketing. And you’ll especially benefit from this handbook.
Funnel prioritization
To spend your marketing budget efficiently, prioritize your optimization of the growth funnel's steps in reverse: When each step past Acquisition performs better, every dollar spent on Acquisition goes further.
That's why this growth hacking handbook covers its topics in this order:
Continue to growth hacking advice
This handbook is very insightful — but very dry. So read pages as they become immediately relevant to you. Bookmark this guide for when the rest become relevant.
So far, I've spent 400 hours writing this. I'll soon add sections on AdWords, mobile app growth, and pricing strategy — if this handbook gets to 2,000 votes on Product Hunt🤞
Email future guides
To read drafts of future handbooks before they're published, subscribe below.
I'm now writing how to play piano, write fiction, and speak Chinese.
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Wat is gedekt
Ik behandel elk geavanceerd onderwerp voor het verwerven en converteren van klanten.
Ik krijg gelijk in elke sectie waar het om gaat. Er is geen verwarring.
Blader verder naar beneden om mijn intro voor groeihacking te lezen.
- Bestemmingspagina's: schrijf hoge-conversiepagina's.
- A / B-testen: continu de conversieratio's verbeteren.
De geavanceerde handleiding voor gebruikersacquisitie.
Dit is geschreven door iemand die groei boekt voor een tiental Y Combinator-startups. Het is modern vanaf begin 2018.
Dit handboek voor het hacken van groei biedt een vaardigheid op het niveau van een agentschap op het gebied van gebruikersacquisitie en conversie-optimalisatie. Het wordt algemeen aanbevolen binnen Silicon Valley.
Het bevat alles wat u nodig hebt om gebruikers realistisch te verwerven en de conversie ter plaatse te verhogen.
Deze gids verspil je tijd niet met marketingclichés of advies voor beginnende SEO-bedrijven.
'Over een jaar verwacht je dat je vandaag bent begonnen. "
- Karen Lamb
Over Julian
My day job is running the growth agency, Bell Curve. Before that, I built an open source animation engine, Velocity.js, and grew that into one of the biggest front-end libraries.
As for the guide you're reading now: In my free time, I spend hundreds of hours researching topics to write concise, book-quality handbooks. I publish them for free.
If you were impressed with the quality of my Build Muscle handbook, you know I deliver on claims of quality.
Come say hello on Twitter.
How to use this handbook
This handbook isn't going to be exciting, but it will be very insightful. And it'll leave you in the best position you've ever been in to grow a company efficiently.
This knowledge is applicable to companies of all sizes and verticals. I cover a range of introductory and advanced B2B and B2C tactics, making this appropriate for growth marketers of every skill level.
If you're researching a startup ideaExpand
If your startup just launchedExpand
If your company has achieved product-market fitExpand
If you're a managerExpand
Growth hacking
Growth hacking is actually a silly term. I'm only using it because it'll help with the SEO exposure of this handbook :) In reality, growth is not a series of "hacks." It's a rigorous methodology founded upon experimentation, data collection, and human psychology.
It also goes by the names performance marketing and growth marketing.
I don't know what growth hacking isExpand
The growth funnel
The growth funnel is the lifetime journey your customer experiences when interacting with your company. It's actually just a cute name for the customer acquisition pipeline:
Growth marketers know how these funnel steps interrelate:
If you don’t have processes for optimizing each of these steps, you're not fully implementing growth marketing. And you’ll especially benefit from this handbook.
Funnel prioritization
To spend your marketing budget efficiently, prioritize your optimization of the growth funnel's steps in reverse: When each step past Acquisition performs better, every dollar spent on Acquisition goes further.
That's why this growth hacking handbook covers its topics in this order:
Continue to growth hacking advice
This handbook is very insightful — but very dry. So read pages as they become immediately relevant to you. Bookmark this guide for when the rest become relevant.
So far, I've spent 400 hours writing this. I'll soon add sections on AdWords, mobile app growth, and pricing strategy — if this handbook gets to 2,000 votes on Product Hunt🤞
Email future guides
To read drafts of future handbooks before they're published, subscribe below.
I'm now writing how to play piano, write fiction, and speak Chinese.
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