How a Fortune 50 Banking Executive Drove Lifts and Transformed her Career

MECLABS > Onderzoek > Hoe een Fortune 50 Banking Executive liften heeft gedaan en haar loopbaan heeft veranderd

Leader Transformation: hoe een bankbaas van Fortune 50 liften van 54% en 169% genereerde en haar carrière veranderde

Melanie Marsh werkte bij een topverzekeringsorganisatie toen ze werd uitgedaagd om digitale resultaten te genereren zonder extra budget. Ze kwam de aanpak van het MECLABS Institute tegen met betrekking tot conversie-optimalisatie en ondervond een "aha" -moment. En na het volgen van de cursussen en het toepassen van haar nieuwe vaardigheden, leverde ze uitzonderlijke resultaten.

Bekijk de volledige video om te horen dat Mel in haar eigen woorden deelt hoe de MECLABS-aanpak van marketing haar heeft geholpen om significante resultaten te boeken voor haar werkgevers en haar carrièrepad heeft veranderd.

Dit onderzoek [online klassen van MECLABS] heeft mijn carrièrepad persoonlijk veranderd - dramatisch - om eerlijk te zijn. Het resoneerde zo [met] mij op zo'n manier dat het eigenlijk een deel werd van de vezel van wie ik ben; het veranderde de manier waarop ik naar marketing keek. ..

- Melanie Marsh, Partnerships Director, MECLABS Institute

When Mel enrolled in the MECLABS online training courses, her goal was to approach marketing differently — and to share that new lens with her team. By applying the principles and approaches from the Landing Page Optimization curriculum, the team drove a 54% conversion lift right off the bat. Four years later when she had moved on to another top financial institution, Mel was able to apply for and establish a formal Research Partnership with MECLABS Institute to access the full depth and breadth of the research lab for her business.

A Research Partnership is a shared responsibility and commitment to scientifically discovering how to optimize the customer journey across all touchpoints — websites, call/chat centers, advertising, email, direct mail and retail. In Mel’s case, the focus was on optimizing co-promotion for affinity partner credit card applications online. Through the Partnership, she was able to develop and launch many successful campaigns and tests, including one that resulted in a 169% increase in credit card applications for one key collegiate partner.

Hear Mel Marsh share in her own words how focusing on her customer’s thought sequence helped her drive significant results and changed the way she looks at marketing.

Related Resources

Krant en digitale abonnementen Executive Series-rapport

Online Certification Courses: Get access to the same training that Mel used to drive 54% and 169% conversion lifts and propel her career

Learn from online training programs that provide in-depth training on topics the day-to-day marketer struggles daily, including Value Proposition Development, Landing Page Optimization,  Email Messaging and Online Testing.

See full course details


Peter Doucette Resources

Research Partnerships: Participate in a research project like Mel did and drive conversion increases for your organization 

Leverage a patented, methodological approach to behavioral testing to support your key initiatives, from marketing campaigns to website overhauls.

Learn more and see a recent success story


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Video Transcript

Mel Marsh: In my previous company, where I had just found MECLABS by myself, I had a 54% conversion, and then in my newer environment, we ended up with 169% conversion. So that was because we were aligning with the customer thought process, and there were no surprises.

About 12 years ago, I was working for a company, and I had a team of six people and no budget, and I needed to create some digital results. And so, I searched through the internet, looking for something that would help me, and I stumbled across the online training. The heuristics that I saw spoke to me. It was actually really weird. To be honest, I felt like Neo from "The Matrix," and as I was reading that heuristic, it literally said to me all the things that I had been thinking but couldn't really or didn't articulate so succinctly, so it was this massive “aha" moment. And the way that the material was presented just resonated with me very clearly.

I took those, and then I shared all the results with my team, and we got 54% in results just from those classes. So that was really thrilling for me. And four years later, when I moved on to a new career, I kept that information in my back pocket, and when I had the opportunity to bring MECLABS in as a full, bona fide partner, I did so.

I remember doing the online training, and I thought to myself, "Wow, I bet they'd be really cool to work for." And so, the opportunity arrived in January of this year for me to join the company, and when I made that decision, I've not looked back at all. It is exactly the place I'm supposed to be.

The Partnership Director's role is to manage the partnerships that we create, to look after that relationship, resolve any issues, set expectations, and help solve any additional problems that we weren't already solving.

This research has transformed my career path personally — dramatically — to be honest. It just resonated me in such a way that it actually became part of the fiber of who I am; it changed the way that I looked at marketing. So I carried that along through three careers now and three different companies now, and my career has just gone up progressively.

Once you understand how the customer thinks and you align your messaging and your creative and your process flow with what the customer expects, you can't help but see results.