How to build a successful Lead Generation strategy for your business: a result oriented approach. - LeadsBridge

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Hoe u een succesvolle Lead Generation-strategie voor uw bedrijf opbouwt: een resultaatgerichte aanpak.

Hoe u een succesvolle Lead Generation-strategie voor uw bedrijf kunt bouwen met een resultaatgerichte aanpak
Door Mark Cirillo | Geen reacties | 18 december 2017

Het wordt steeds moeilijker om leads te genereren tegenwoordig. De meeste marketeers worstelen om leads te genereren voor hun bedrijven. Sommigen slaagden erin een laag aantal leads te genereren, terwijl anderen leads genereren die niet geschikt zijn. Voorbij zijn die wanneer bezoekers graag hun e-mailadres laten vallen om zich aan te melden bij e-maillijsten. In feite, 63% van de marketeers genoemde genereren van verkeer en leads is de grootste uitdaging .

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Leads zijn de levensader van elk bedrijf dat wil slagen. Zij zijn de vooruitzichten die klanten kunnen worden als je hen op de juiste manier opvoedt.

Het genereren van leads is effectief, daarom zegt 58% van de marketeers dat hun lead generation-budget het komende jaar zal stijgen .

Dus, als het genereren van leads effectief is, waarom worstelen marketeers dan met het genereren van leads voor hun bedrijf?

It is simple!

Many marketers and business owners struggle to generate leads because they don’t use the right strategy. Most of them are still using old strategies like PPC or traditional methods. Using the right strategy makes you work smarter and not harder.

If you want to succeed in lead generation in this era, you will need to step up your game. You will need unconventional means of generating leads that your competitors are not using.

Luckily for you, that is exactly what you will learn in this article. You will learn how to use seven strategies to build a successful lead generation strategy for your brand.

Not only that, you will also learn how to scale these strategies with effective lead generation tools to generate even more leads.

Let’s get started.

What is lead generation?

Lead generation is the method of attracting visitors and turning them into prospects who have interest in your company’s product or service. The prospects are called leads. You can collect leads to build your email lists, e-newsletter list or for sales leads.

Lead generation is an integral part of the sales and marketing team of any company. Whether you are a small business or an established organization, a strong lead generation process is imperative to your success.

With the availability of different lead generation tools, businesses are finding it easy to leverage these tools to generate leads.  Below are different strategies and tools you can use to generate leads for your business.

  1. Landing pages

A landing page is very important in building a successful lead generation strategy. It is a page you send visitors in order to get their email, communicate with them and turn them into customers. You can use a landing page to capture email lead, sell a product or service, invite people to your webinar or make an announcement or offer a discount.

Landing pages are effective in capturing leads.  This is why 62% of b2b companies use six or fewer total landing pages to generate leads.   The truth is, the more landing page you have, the better for your lead generation strategy.   According to a Hubspot research, companies see a 55% increase in leads when increasing their number of landing pages from 10 t0 15.


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The chart above shows the relationship that Hubspot found between lead generation and landing pages for both b2b and b2c companies.

When you have more landing pages, you will be able to collect more leads for your business and also increase your conversion rates.

A good strategy you can also use is to create different landing pages for your campaign. According to Marketingexperiment, 48% of marketers build a new landing page for each marketing campaign. The reason why you need to do this is that you can target different audience demographics and interest for each campaign.

A landing page that will convert must have a compelling headline, an interesting opening that will compel readers to read and move down through the copy. Therefore, you will need to use your customer’s language to write attention-grabbing copy.  Test all the elements of design to make sure everything is working.


Below is a good landing page anatomy you can copy.

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Landing page loading speed is very important. Ensure that your landing page loads fast. Slow loading landing page can reduce your conversion drastically.  Google experienced a 20% traffic drop years ago as a result of a 0.5-second delay.

A landing page well designed can bring success to your business. A good case study is SEOmoz.  A well designed and optimized landing page generated $1,000,000 million for moz in one year.

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When you finished creating your landing page, you will need Landingleads tool to effectively maximize your lead generation process.

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It is a tool that allows you to integrate your landing page builder such as leadpages, Unbounce or clickfunnels with your CRM or email software, in real time.  This means when users register through the form on your landing page, the tool will store their emails into your CRM as soon as they click the submit button.

When you integrate this tool with your CRM, you can relax and pay more attention to what matters, because the tool will do the work for you.

  1. Email marketing

Email marketing is an effective and affordable tool you can use to generate leads for your business. It is one of the best ways to get in front of your customers. Contrary to popular opinion, email marketing is far from dead.

Hear this:

Do you know that with email marketing, you can get an ROI of 4,300 percent? Not only that, 74% of consumers prefer to receive commercial communications via email. 66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a result of an email marketing message and 138% more is spent by consumers who receive email offers than those who do not.

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An E-consultancy research also reported that three-quarters of companies agree that email offers “excellent" to “good" ROI.  These are mouth-watering advantages of using email marketing for your business.

The question now is:

How do you create a converting email?

A converting email must have an attractive subject line and a high-quality and valuable content. This is why 67% of marketers say that delivering highly relevant content with a click-bait subject line is a strategic goal their organization wants to achieve through email marketing.

Avoid the use of Help, free, Percent off etc., in your headlines as it can trigger the recipient’s spam filter.

A clear and simple call to action in your email could make it a success or a failure. A good call to action tells the recipient why and what they should click on your email. It is better to use only one call to action in your email to make it highly feasible.

Because of the different time zones in the world, you will need to send your emails on the right day and at the right time.  Sending it on the wrong day and time could reduce the click-through rate.  For instance, b2b marketers will get more result if they send marketing emails on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  For b2c marketers, the audience may respond to you on different days and time.  This is why you need to track your results and test it.

Creating a landing page for each of your email campaigns is a good practice. The email landing page is where your subscribers will land after clicking a link in your email.  The page can include the main website page, product-related page or a page created specifically for an email campaign.

Most often than not, you generate leads from different sources, such as webinars, conferences, landing page, etc. You can easily consolidate these leads in one place so that you can effectively maximize it. You can do this using inboxleads and documentleads.


Most of the time, it is not possible to combine your leads in one place with your CRM.  Inboxleads solves this problem.  It allows you to store leads into your CRM by simply cc’ing an email address.

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Leadsbridge will integrate your CRM by using a email address.  With this, you can collect leads from any source, at any time and in real time.

Inboxleads allows you to collect leads through business cards, in conferences, seminars, and webinars and store it in your CRM.  This will help your sales team to keep up with generated leads.

You will want to conduct A/B test to enable you to optimize your open rate and click-through rate.


This tool helps you to integrate your sheets, such as Excel sheet or Google sheet with your CRM.  You can work on your sheets while documentleads will be updating your CRM. This will help you to remove the stress of having to manually import leads.

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  1. Webinar

A webinar is an effective and cheap tool you can use to generate leads for your business. You get to spend little money to get your messages in front of your audience. 52% of marketers believe that webinars and seminars are very effective in generating leads.


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Using webinars, you can generate leads, nurture them and increase your profit margin. A good case study here is Kissmetrics.  They generated 16,394 leads from 77 webinars. Take a look at their past recorded seminars below:

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A webinar is a great tool for lead generation because it builds trust and credibility and helps to capture leads.  Prospective customers who register for and watch webinars want to connect with a brand they like.  Attendees are more engaged and thus they can become more responsible and they tend to produce high-quality leads.  They are ready to take action because of the trust you have built.  According to a survey carried out by Readytalk, 62% of all b2b marketers use webinars to prospect or nurture leads, 49% said 20-40% of webinar registrants turned into qualified leads and webinars average a 42% registrant to attendee conversion.

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A webinar gives you the opportunity to collect customer’s data during the registration process. The data is a valuable asset for your business.  To effectively manage this data, store it in your CRM or email software.  You can do this using webinarleads. The tool will help you to store engaged leads into your CRM or your preferred email software so you can keep them engaged and close more deals on time.
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You can use this tool to keep in touch with the attendees after the webinar, thereby converting more of them to leads.  The sweetest part of it all is that it is an automation process, you don’t have to lift a finger. Leadsbridge does the hard work for you.

  1. Promote event

Events are a great way to find new and highly qualified leads for your business. The thing is, getting people’s attention is hard. An average person today is exposed to about 5,000 brand messages per day. The noise is just too much!

Organizing an event is a great way to break through the noise.  It is easy to get the attention of your audience. They cannot mute you while you talk or browse on their phone, they will simply give you their attention. With an event, you can simply decide to answer your audience’s question face to face, deliver messages on stage or walk them through demos.

Eventbrite’s 2016 Pulse report revealed that small to medium-sized businesses are the most likely to use events for lead generation.

Events, especially live events makes it possible to interact face to face with people. This helps both you and your attendees to communicate. This means that you can know your customers’ likes and dislikes. This will help them to trust you.

The most important benefit of using event is that it enables you to collect valuable information through the registration process.

But there is a challenge!

It is a bit hard to get people to attend events.  One way to solve this problem is to promote the event using event promotion websites like Eventbrite, Eventzilla or Picatic.

Promoting your event will help you to get more eyeballs on your event by raising awareness of your event in places like the Big Google search engine and Bing.

One thing you need to do here to maximize the lead generation process is to integrate event promotion websites with Leadsbridge’s eventleads.

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Eventleads is a tool that will help you to collect your attendees’ email addresses and push them into your email software or CRM.  This will enable you to quickly start communicating with your audience before, during and after the event, thereby helping you to generate a tremendous amount of leads.


  1. Schedule Meeting

Most often than not, your website visitors or blog readers will want to connect with you to schedule a meeting.  Having a scheduler set up on your website will enable them to have easy access to you. A scheduler helps you to engage with your prospects during their visit and it is a great way to generate leads for your business.

When a web visitor schedules a meeting with you, either through the phone or a demo, it shows that they are interested in your product or service. You can take this to another level by syncing your calendars and appointment scheduler software with your CRM by using Meetingleads.

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When a user books a meeting with you, meetingleads will quickly store their email address into your CRM or email software immediately. This will help you to focus specifically on closing deals with them easily.

The tool is great for sales team who leverage demos to close deals, busy entrepreneurs who generate leads through appointments software and for those who can’t do business without calendars.


  1. Webhooks

A webhook is an HTTP callback.  It helps you to connect a platform with other applications you use. Thereby, tracking the events that take place with your account through other tools.  Webhook is good for sending and receiving data, which makes it easy for different uses.  For instance, you can use webhook to keep your CRM up to date when someone unsubscribe from your lists.

You can use a webhook to automate your lead generation process.

Leadsbridge develops webhooks that can help you to easily integrate with your CRM or email software. It is called devleads. Leadsbridge also has other webhooks and integration for all your needs.

Devleads is a tool created for marketers and developers to help keep up with the demand and scale their needs fast using webhooks integrated with CRM or email software.

With Devleads, you can create tour Leadsbridge webhook and connect it with your CRM. When a lead registers in whatever place you have in mind, Leadsbridge webhook will store the leads into your CRM as soon as they register.

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Leadsbridge’s devleads is created for tech marketers who are searching for a flexible ally for their specific needs, enterprise that is searching for a simple solution without making many changes and for developers that want a reliable tool for the company’s needs.


  1. Social Media – Lead Ads Sync

Social media platforms are dominating the marketing world online, especially the lead generation niche. This is not unrelated to the fact that, social media networks enable businesses to build brand awareness, generate leads and conversions and create a sense of community for fans. It is one of the best ways to generate a continuous stream of quality leads. It is an effective and cheap channel to generate leads for your business. In fact, 24% of businesses reported that their revenue increase when they used social media to generate leads for their business.

If you are not using the social media networks to generate leads for your business, you are really missing out on the opportunity to reach a huge market. However, your success in generating leads with social media networks depends on knowing the right social media channel for your business.

This singular act will lead to generating tons of new leads into your sales funnel if you do it right. You need to know which of the social media networks is your prospects hanging out before you create any strategy. For instance, for b2b marketers, 44% have generated leads through LinkedIn, while 39% did it through Facebook and Twitter comes in third with 30%.

This is the reason why a lot of brands are using Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin to generate leads as shown below:

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As you can see from the images above, Facebook tops the chart.  This is because it is an effective medium for lead generation.  It has several features you can use to generate leads such as the Facebook lead ads.  Facebook lead ads appear in your news feed on Facebook.  They are ads for a product or service with a call to action button for you to click on.  Below is an example of a Facebook lead ad from Leadsbrige.

When a user clicks on the ads, they see a prefilled opt-in form as shown above. This makes it easy for them to subscribe to your list with two clicks.  The form is prefilled with their data from their Facebook account.  You can learn how to create a Facebook lead ad here.

If you want to get cheap leads with Facebook lead ads, sync it with your CRM or email marketing software with leadsbridge’s lead ad sync.

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This tool allows you to store your leads in your CRM directly instead of in a CSV provided by Facebook.  Leadsbridge connects your lead ads campaigns to your CRM tool so that you can immediately import them. This makes it easy to quickly send your subscribers opt-in offers without any stress.



Generating quality leads is not as difficult as you think.  All you need is a good strategy.  Above are seven strategies you can easily use to build a successful lead generation strategy for your business. You can tremendously scale each of the strategies above with the tools mentioned under them.  It will enable you to get even more leads with less stress.

Heb je een van de bovenstaande strategieën geprobeerd? Wat was het resultaat?

Welke andere strategieën gebruikt u om het leadgeneratieproces voor uw bedrijf op te bouwen? Laten we bespreken in het commentaar hieronder.

Mark Cirillo

Enthousiaste digitale marketeer, gevoed door nieuws en strategieën van deze wereld, mensen en bedrijven te helpen hun online aanwezigheid op te bouwen en opnieuw uit te vinden.


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