How to Download Facebook Videos Without Special Software (Ninja Trick!)
Hoe Facebook-video's zonder speciale software te downloaden (Ninja Trick!)
Over de auteur
Janet JohnsonJanet is een 13-jarige veteraan in de wereld van sociale media en internetmarketing. Ze raadpleegt en traint kleine bedrijven op alles van branding & SM-optimalisatie tot videomarketing en SEO. Haar succes om klanten te helpen resultaten te behalen, heeft haar ertoe aangezet een trainingstraject voor sociale media te ontwikkelen, 15 Minute Social , waar ondernemers sociale media in hun eigen tempo kunnen leren via eenvoudige lessen.
Wilde je ooit een Facebook-video downloaden, maar wist je niet hoe?
Het is eigenlijk niet zo moeilijk.
Why would you want to a download Facebook videos?
Here are 3 possible reasons:
1. You uploaded via Instagram
You created a video on Instagram and pushed it to your Facebook Page (excellent way to get big reach, btw!).
Now you want to use the video on YouTube, Vimeo or your own site.
2. You uploaded via a gaming console
My 10 year old son wants to be one of those gamer kids on his YouTube channel.
His PS4 console has the option to record the video game -- but then only allows him to post it to Facebook, not YouTube.
Not good.
3. You created a Live video on a private Facebook Group
If you have a private Facebook Group and you're actively going Live, you might want to share that content in other locations.
Now you can!
So, how do you download a Facebook video file so you can upload it to other places? I'll show you below.
Ever wanted to download #Facebook videos to use the files somewhere else? Like Youtube or Vimeo? Here's how to do it! Click to Tweet
How to Download Facebook Videos Without Special Software (Ninja Trick!)
This ninja trick shows you how to extract an MP4 file of your video from Facebook.
No fancy software required!
Below are the steps involved to download any Facebook video from a Page, Profile or Group!
Download From a Facebook Page
Step 1: Go to Page
Go to the page that posted the video.
Then click the "Video" tab on the left hand side.
Step 2: Find the Video
If you don't have a direct link to the video, search for it in the Video tab. Once you find the video you want to download, click on it to open it.
Once you do that, you'll see the date/time stamp.
Right click on that and copy the link.
Step 3: Download the Video
You have several options when you're ready to download any video from Facebook. Which version you choose is dependent on a couple of things:
- Is it on a Page, Profile or Group?
- Is it Public or Private?
For example, let's say you manage a Private Facebook Group and want to download your latest Facebook Live video.
You might think you wouldn't be able to download from a private group, right? WRONG!
You can. 😀
Below are a few options to download the full (high resolution) Facebook video file.
1. Use an Online Website or Extension
There are many online websites that allow you to download a Facebook video without adding unnecessary software to your computer. is an easy solution. Add the video URL you copied above, paste it, and click download.
KeepVid is another simple option. Same instructions as above!
GetFVid is for those times when you need to save a Facebook video that's shared on a private Group. And it's simple to do!
1. Go to the Facebook video you'd like to download
2. Press 'CTRL + U' or right click anywhere on the video and choose "View Page Source," "to view page source in a new window
3. Copy and Paste the page source into GetFVid
If you're like me and you love any option that simplifies your process, use an extension instead of navigating to the website.
The most stable Chrome extension out there is Social Video Downloader.
Add the Chrome extension and download Facebook Video's while on the social network!
Yep, it's really that simple! That's how you download Facebook videos.
Once you download the file, you can reuse the video on other platforms -- like your website, YouTube or any other video channel you would like.
What about you? Have you tried this?
Do you see other uses for downloading your videos from Facebook? Let me know in the comments below.
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