How to Find Your Path – The Startup – Medium

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Hoe je je pad kunt vinden

Velen van ons willen iets anders doen, maar zitten vast omdat we niet weten wat te doen. Heeft jouw gebrek aan opties tot gevolg dat je stagneert en meer uit je leven wilt halen?

Het overkomt bijna iedereen. Het probleem is niet dat de wereld geen kansen voor ons heeft, het is dat we ze niet herkennen. Om deze kansen te kunnen zien, moeten we de manier waarop we de wereld bekijken veranderen.

A year ago I started doing something that has shown me many opportunities I was previously blind to. This exercise provides me with new career ideas and ways that I can provide value. It’s a routine that you can use, as well, to find your path and create a more fulfilling life.

Create an Idea Journal

Every day write down five new ideas. They could be related to improving a process you deal with daily, or something completely new. Once you start looking for ways to improve the world around you, you may start recognizing that you could fill these gaps. Here’s an example:

  1. 1A budgeting app that calculates work trip expenses
  2. 2A button installed in all restaurant tables to call servers when you need assistance
  3. 3A way to reduce carbon emissions from permafrost — potentially turning harmful gasses into a sustainable fuel source (read why this is important)
  4. 4Making multiple Bluetooth connections for devices a norm, instead of a rarity
  5. 5A per household U.S. tax credit for daily home waste reduction.

As you can see from my above example, your ideas can be as grandiose as you desire. Don’t limit yourself to only minor inconveniences. Expand your ideas to the bold. The world needs people who are willing to solve big problems.

You may find, after doing some research, that someone has already solved one of your issues. That’s a good thing. With one less problem, your life is improving already.

Five ideas may not seem like a lot, but it’s going to be hard when you first begin. That’s the point. Most of us can think of one or two things that we would change. But coming up with five different ideas will force you to start asking real questions, and put more thought into the answers.

This extra effort will help you to begin to view the world differently. After a short time, you will realize there is no limit to the opportunities out there and the ways you can contribute. Then you can start working toward solving real problems and finding your true purpose in life.

Final Thoughts

There’s some science behind this exercise, as well. The most successful people in the world spend the most time thinking. Unfortunately the majority of us go through our days from one distraction to the next.

On your commute home tonight, try turning off the radio. Ride home in silence with your thoughts. Think about your idea journal, and the ways you can improve your current situation or the world around you. This small exercise can drastically change your life. There’s no reason not to begin today.



Thanks for reading! If you like this piece, please clap or comment or both. I hope this helps you start exploring all the ways you can create an impact in the world!


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