Never ignore your best ideas – The Startup – Medium

Negeer nooit je beste ideeën

'Alles begint met een idee.'

Ideeën hebben de kracht om te creëren en te brengen wat nog nooit eerder is gezien. Ideeën hebben steden gebaard en krachtige rijken grootgebracht. Ze hebben gewone mensen tot buitengewone mensen gemaakt. Ideeën zijn krachtige dingen die je kunnen pushen om dingen te doen waar je misschien nooit van hebt gedroomd.

"Ideeën zijn krachtiger dan de dood. Ideeën overleven mannen en kunnen nooit worden vernietigd "- Dr. Myles Munroe.

Soms kan het moeilijk zijn om te weten wat te doen in het leven. En wanneer we vastzitten in het leven, of niet zeker weten welke weg we moeten gaan, gaan we op zoek naar tekenen uit het universum die ons richting geven aan het doel van ons leven. Welnu, ideeën zijn tekenen of boodschappen die het universum ons geeft en die, als er iets aan wordt gedaan, het begin van verandering in ons leven zal signaleren.

Wat doe je als je ze ontvangt? Begraaf je ze onbewust? Of luister je naar hen en werk je eraan?

Het is vrij eenvoudig om onze ideeën te negeren.

Het kan moeilijk zijn om alle ideeën te volgen die in ons opkomen. Als het gaat om ideeën is er een heel fijne grens tussen gek en geniaal en het kiezen van dergelijke ideeën vereist veel mentale kracht en moed. We hebben meestal het gevoel dat het veel gemakkelijker is om het pad dat door onze comfortzone is bepaald, voort te zetten in plaats van het risico te nemen om op een onbekend pad te lopen dat vooral belachelijkheid en falen biedt met een kleine kans op succes.

Natuurlijk is niet elk idee een goed idee. We hebben allemaal slechte ideeën, gemiddelde ideeën, goede ideeën en geweldige, prachtige ideeën. Het probleem is dat wanneer we de gewoonte aangaan om ze allemaal te negeren, we zelfs de groten negeren, degenen die verandering in de wereld brengen.

Maar heb je ooit nagedacht over wat er zou gebeuren als je je beste ideeën niet negeerde?

'Maar waarom zou ik in vredesnaam een ​​idee negeren als het goed is?' je vraagt ​​je af. Het antwoord is dat je waarschijnlijk niet eens weet dat je het doet. Je doet het misschien onbewust.

That business idea you have been thinking about for months or years that you wished you had started working on but kept putting other things first, is an ignored good idea. That story you have always wanted to expand on and only written out a few sentences that you keep re-reading over and over again, is a good idea. The little sparks of imagination that keep niggling at the back of your conscious mind that continuously whisper to you how you can change your life are all good ideas.

Great ideas are the beginning of change and you should ALWAYS work on the best ones, because you may never know where they will lead you.

So how can you make sure that you never ignore the best ones and work on them?

Consider a process that will be of help to you

Write them down

Start by writing down the ideas that you have even the ‘not so good’ ones.

Get into the habit of jolting down your ideas, in some way, every single day. I have made a habit of writing down at least ten ideas every day, no matter what. Sometimes they are totally random and sometimes they are related to one another. This habit has forced me to keep most of my ideas out of my subconscious mind.

When you write them down you are taking the first step to making them a reality. And you can then choose which ones you can work on.

This habit will also make you see the ideas that choose you. Yes, sometimes we don’t choose the idea- they choose us. Get into the habit of noting them down and you will soon understand what I mean.

Choose the best ones

Well writing ideas down every day will give you a lot of ideas and you will not work on each one of them, so you have to choose the ones that are right for you.

While it’s possible that your favorite daydream is a great idea you shouldn’t ignore, it’s also possible that, deep down, you know it isn’t right for you.

Find a way to choose the ones that are good for you. You will know them if they are good for you. Your best ideas are almost certainly those that excite you most — those bound up in the ideas that you just can’t leave alone.

If you have an idea that seems great but you’re struggling to make it work for you, it might just be the wrong fit for you and your personality and you need to move on to the next one.

Set down a day of the week when you can cut down your huge list of ideas to just a few that you will have the time for and then…

Research more on them.

Once you choose the ones that seem great, you need to conduct research on them before working on them.

The research stage is the stage where you have to find out whether your idea is viable or not. Sometimes people, especially entrepreneurs, get so excited about their “epiphanies"-the moments when they imagine the possibilities of a given idea-that they forget to find out whether that idea will work or not.

Researching your idea can prove invaluable in determining your idea’s potential.

If for example it is a business idea, your research plan should spell out the objectives of the research and give you the information you need to either go ahead with your idea, fine-tune it or take it back to the drawing board. This decision will be drawn from your market research, customer research competitor research etc.

After your research is done, your list will be further cut down to the best ones. Once you have the best ones, make sure you…

Work on them.

Working on your idea is the part where you bring them to life. This is the part that will let you see something that is born of your imagination finally become a reality.

One of the greatest advantages of working on your idea is that you have a chance to be able to work on something that interests you and that you are passionate about.

That is why you should choose your best ideas to work on, because if you work on an idea that you hate, this stage will be really hard for you. But if it excites you then any hardship faced will not be so bad.

Each step that you will take will be fulfilling.

Final thoughts…

You are ideas are your gift to the world.

Never ignore your best ideas even if you haven’t tried something before and haven’t the faintest notion of where to begin.

You are the only one who can bring them to life and no one else.

Embrace them and work on them. You never know where they may lead you and the rest of the world.

What ideas have you paid attention to that you are glad that you did not ignore? Leave a comment and share your thoughts in the section below.

Thanks for Reading :)

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