Stop Being Average And Get The Results You Want By Doing These 15 Hard Things

Stop met een gemiddelde en krijg de gewenste resultaten door deze 15 moeilijke dingen te doen

Foto door Martin Reisch op  Unsplash

Het is moeilijk om resultaatgericht te zijn, daarom zijn zo weinig mensen net zo succesvol als ze zouden willen zijn - gemiddeld zijn is gemakkelijk.

Gemiddeld past en voelt niet dat zijn gevoelens pijn doen.

Gemiddeld gedrag wordt gedreven door angst en niet door moed.

Gemiddeld is iedereen en blaast het zijn eigen spoor niet uit.

Welke Ben jij?

Results oriented measure, and leave themselves no way out.

They only care about the outcome and do everything they can to force themselves and the environments around them.

I caught myself slacking on my business development goals and outreach. I told my roommate that if I didn’t show him these 10 things done by the end of the day I’d give him $500.

It was an aggressive list and I finished at 11:50pm. I did it the next day and the next. Now I keep force functions in place every day.

For my 150,000 subscriber goal, I think about the path and what I can do to ensure it’s achievement every day. Right now, I’m trying to get contributor blogs on Inc. and Forbes.

If you know anyone at those places who’d consider my work, don’t hesitate to let me know. I did outreach to it’s editors on Sunday.

What are you willing to sacrifice to be results oriented? What does that mean?

Did you think it was corny asking for help about Inc and Forbes in this blog post? It may be, but I don’t care, because I’m results oriented.

If you really think it’s corny, this post is for you.

Let’s define what it means to be results oriented first.


Being Results Oriented

Most people are not results oriented because they want to fit in, don’t have the discipline to practice and measure what finally get’s results, or don’t last long enough in their craft to learn understand what finally get’s results.

They’re fearful of looking at the hard things like numbers and cutting the downside, which is the most important part of not failing and achieving your goal.

Its’ always easier to revert back to the mediocre than investing in an upgrade. This is the sadness of man, being fine with good enough or unwilling to breakout toward greatness out of laziness or fear.

Someone will work much harder to not lose something they have than to gain what they don’t have. And sure — perhaps a good way to self preserve is to expect less and/or commit to standards that are less (buddhism).

But if you’re struggling to achieve something you really want, and you can upgrade to get that thing — why not go for it?

Ik heb nu meer dan 50 coachinggesprekken gevoerd en de # 1 reden waarom mensen niet doorgaan met upgraden, is goed met middelmatigheid en vasthouden aan de paar duizend dollar die ze denken dat ze zich niet kunnen veroorloven.

Je kunt ze letterlijk vragen: "maar met coaching gaan we er live mee verder als je het doel bereikt, en letterlijk elke blocker en valkuil verwijderen die kunnen voorkomen dat je het doel bereikt. Ze zullen letterlijk geloven dat succes gegarandeerd is (want dat is het!).

Ze zullen denken: "Eh dingen zijn prima. Het gaat goed met de baan die niet ideaal is en het zal goed gaan met de 7 voor een leven dat ik heb. '

Dat is niet wat ze zeggen, maar dat is wat er door hun hoofd gaat.


Het is niet droevig dat nog iemand niet probeert gedisciplineerd te zijn of dat de wereld de resultaten van nog één persoon niet ziet.

We hebben genoeg "succes" om ons heen en het heeft geen invloed op iemand anders dan de persoon die niet bereid is om te leren.

Het is triest voor die persoon omdat het na een tijdje gemakkelijk wordt om een ​​paar principes onder de knie te krijgen en dan maakt het het leven leuker en boeiender waardoor hun ervaring elke dag 10x rijker wordt - en ze willen het.

Er is geen betere ervaring dan het maximaliseren van het potentieel en het behalen van resultaten  - en geen betere glorie dan het slagen voor een groot doel .

Dit is waar vraatzuchtig enthousiasme komt vorm .

Wat is er nog meer, echt waar?

Tenzij vrije tijd, luxe of gebrek aan luxe voldoende is om een ​​leven te definiëren , waarom zou u niet kiezen voor grootheid en toewijding aan alles wat u doet - of u nu een gezin hebt, een bedrijf start of er zelfs voor kiest om niets te doen - doe ze allemaal goed in een hoge staat van uitmuntendheid.

En ja, je leest het goed, je kunt niets goeds of slecht doen. Niets goed doen, haalt meer uit dat niets dan niets slecht doen wat gewoon accepteert wat er aan komt en een laag bestaan ​​ervaart van wat het leven de persoon toebrengt.

Het is niet wat je doet, maar hoe je het doet .

Ik heb een vriend in New York die "niets doet" met religieuze discipline.

Ik noem haar de laatste levende socialite. Wanneer mensen haar vragen wat ze doet antwoordt ze charmant: "Ik ben de ceo van mijn leven". Ze heeft geen baan, dus ze hoeft geen geld te verdienen om te leven.

Ze doet niet aan kunst, schrijven, raadplegen of iets dergelijks. Je zou denken dat ze een soort van vrijwilligerswerk zou doen, maar dat doet ze niet eens.

Maar wat ze wel heel goed doet, is haar slaap, meditatie, lichamelijke gezondheid en relaties - met haar vrienden en belangrijke anderen en met haar interesses in voedsel.

Ze stelt gewaagde doelen in al deze domeinen die elke nacht op precies dezelfde tijd gaan slapen, dagelijks lange meditatie en yoga doen, trainen met een personal trainer en er zijn voor haar vrienden met regelmatige hosting van diners en introducties tussen connecties.

She’s grateful for everything she has and knows she could perhaps do something more “work like" and perhaps she will some day.

But for now, she get’s her meaning from socializing and is results oriented, gathering at least once weekly and committed to connect her friends productively, find significant others for them and has no shame in telling someone what they should or should not do.

She derives all the meaning she needs to live well and strives daily to be results oriented, be excellent and set bold goals thereby remaining a striving student who is constantly learning to be her best and get results for herself and the others around her.

This is liberating yet beyond sad to observe most of the population who choose the opposite, don’t know what real freedom is or how to possess it and feel trapped into who they are or their current situation.

This is something I work relentlessly at overcoming each and every day.

Humans have succeeded and still attribute a huge part of why they succeed because they cooperate with others — so likability and status in the social ladder is important.

However the results oriented know that respect at the expense of likability is more important than being liked in the long run. One of many principles the results oriented operate by.

Here are 17 principles to make you results oriented.

1. Results Oriented People Will Be Whoever They Need To Be To Get The Job Done

I had a big pitch meeting coming up and caught my programming working against me. I realized I wanted to be liked in these pitches and not dubbed by the prospect as the “pushy sales guy". Then I thought, who is the salesperson who does everything they can to win deals? What programming do they have?

I dug in and re-programmed myself to act in this state:

“You’ve done this 10,000 times."

“I don’t care about your feelings, and whether you like me or not at the end of this call — that doesn’t serve either of us well."

“I’m here to sell you my services because I’m the best at what I do and my services are the best at getting you results. You lose if you don’t achieve your results so I’m doing you a favor by not letting you off the phone until we get deep into why you’d let this opportunity pass you by."

If you want to get deep on your results and interested to have me coach you, hop on my calendar here for a strategy call.

The results oriented rise to the occasion, and put themselves in the most difficult of situations because they know it’s the only way to get results.

Then they adapt and upgrade using their state of mind by acting how they need to act to get the results they need to get whether they “are that or not".

I’m now the pushy sales guy, not the cool nice guy who doesn’t want to sell you.

Why? Because I know what prospects need to be sold.

More than friendliness, they want confidence. Confidence to constructively use tension without being pushy.

More than likability, they want people to show them the way. Give them the answer and get them results.

Is it ideal to choose to be one or the other? No — I too would rather be the “chill nice guy" who’s liked. It’s easier to be that way.

But I’m results oriented and want to make sales so I do it.

Ironically, the prospect wins anyway because that’s usually what people want (to be sold things that add to themselves and make them better) and often need to be pushed to stop from blocking themselves.

I ask myself “what would the best salesperson ever do before a call" and then I get in that state and prepare.

2. Results Oriented Commit Themselves To Live Their Ideals Every Single Day Religiously

The average stand for ideals but don’t commit to practicing them every day. I have so many brilliant friends who don’t break through because good enough is fine.

One of my clients is a brilliant investment banker who’s worked to the ground, he swears he wants to not be unhealthy or stressed from his brutal banking job and swears he doesn’t have time for anything.

I told him to take 10–15 minutes to read his favorite book each morning to start his day better and to try waking up 30 minutes earlier to do so and not run out of his house rushed.

That one addition to his morning would have transformed his life but he refused to do it. He wouldn’t discipline himself to even try.

I’ll be firing him soon unless he begins trying instead of the status quo which is a reactive and stressful existence simply due to not making an ounce of effort.

If he wanted results, he’d turn his life upside down to get it done and he’d do it every single day. When he’d begin doing it, and started to see results, he’d begin enjoying it. Then he’d get deeper with it, and do it even more and fall in love with it until it became a part of who he is and automatic.

3. Results Oriented Sacrifice Likability By The Majority So They Connect With The Right People

The question you should ask yourself is not whether or not you’ll be “likable" or “respected", rather, the question you should ask is “what connects with others deeply?" or “which few would love you."

Some nuance to this one as likability and respect certainly aren’t mutually exclusive and noone advises being disliked for it’s own sake.

But rather stand for something unapologetically, at the risk of alienating others. They won’t matter to you anyway and in any endeavor you’re always aiming to reach the minority super fans, not the majority of passive fans.

Donald Trump has half or more of the country who hates him, but the other half or more love him — and that’s how he won the presidency. By going all in and standing up for his style and decisions every day.

4. Results Oriented Don’t Feel Vulnerable Because Their Necessity and Environment Give Them The Courage To Share All

To the results oriented, recognizing vulnerability is what creates it in the first place.

They focus on the necessity and goal, which forces the courage to create the right context to be vulnerable.

Therefore the results oriented share openly because they know the only way to overcome fear is by facing it and channeling it effectively.

Therefore to the results oriented, sharing openly is a normal part of daily life and understanding emotions and feelings is what gives them the courage to become vulnerable (according to this Ted Talk by Dr. Brene Brown)

These are the writers who share their challenges to tell a story or teach a lesson every single day, or teachers who share their personal struggles with students to teach them lessons.

It’s not that they share vulnerability, it’s that they do it with humility.

If you find enough meaning to be courageous, you will be. Get over the hump of worrying about what others think and overcome the fear of being vulnerable. It’s a must and needs to overcome so you can express yourself and share your truth.

How do I know this? Because I overcame my own biggest fear out of necessity and openly shared it (and do so every day in my writing) in my most viral piece here.

5. Results Oriented Work Hard To See The World For Themselves And Recognize The Existence Of Duality

They program themselves, and try hard to not be programmed by external things they can’t control.

They want to want what they want to want and know their identity is whatever they want it to be.

Not what their parents conditioned them to want as a kid growing up or what society thinks they should be or want.

They know the “truth" is only as “truthful" as the receiver perceives it to be, which is based on the defined identity of the perceiver which can change.

Thereofore there’s no real such thing as truth because truths are subjective.

Whatever you think you want, want.

Whoever you think you should be, be it.

Your identity is malleable and can be changed just be believing it can be changed. Therefore statements like “be yourself" or “stick to your roots" aren’t valid.

Because they can be whatever you want them to be at any given time.

And, the answer is never in one thing. You can’t want sunny days all the time because without darkness, there couldn’t be light.

Without pain, there couldn’t be joy.

The vacation wouldn’t be fun without living where you do and the country home wouldn’t be enjoyable without the suburban or urban day to day.

You do yourself or the person no favors by judging anything or anyone. It’s just a bad habit.

6. Results Oriented Catch Bad Programming and Manage Their Reaction Patterns

They choose to perceive everything that happens in a way that optimistically serves them and moves them toward their results.

They are aware of their limiting beliefs and know how to properly evaluate themselves.

For example, if they catch themselves in a common belief we all overlook every day like “I’m not good at tech" or “I’m not a numbers guy" — they catch it and know that it’s because they haven’t spent proper focus and energy on those things and could.

In a nutshell, they catch bad programming.

This is not to say they delude themselves when “bad" things happen, to the contrary.

The results oriented know that they’re already successful, because they’re human who can imagine a goal and achieve it.

This leads them an optimistic worldview they have agency over, however they go head first into feedback to learn from it so they can be guided back in the right direction.

7. Results Oriented Manage Their Attention Like Their Life Depends On It

They know to create their own reality in this world of distraction, they need space and solace.

They protect this precious and limited resource. A fresh morning is a gift to be taken advantage of. So they cherish it like it’s their last, and thereby ascribe so much meaning to their mornings which becomes meaningful days and then a meaningful life.

This can be your night as well and can be times during the day where you re-set.

The results oriented likely meditate or have some form of meditative practice though they strive to act in a meditative manner.

They know if they live and act in meditation, their faith will have efficacy and they’ll get what they want.

Manage your attention as you’d ideally aspire to every morning, to live your ideals each day — and you’ll live your ideal life.

8. Results Oriented Manage Their Inputs Like Their Lives Depend On It

The results oriented watch their senses, emotions and feelings and work to become masters of them. They know emotional intelligence is critical to achieving results.

They know every stimulus affects their energy and are aware of how their environment shapes them.

They own their frame to shape their environment and don’t let the environment shape their reality.

They’re present, and practice habits to uphold recurring levels of deep presence.

They sleep on time, wake up on time, and give themselves plenty of space to shape their day.

They most likely don’t watch any news, but even when they do, they observe it with a deep self-awareness that doesn’t have their identities touched.

They protect their attention and know the key to winning at anything is about removing distractions and filtering to keep the main thing, the main thing. They know the biggest threat to a goal being achieved is being steered off course to a shiny new object or project, when in fact, all it takes is doing the same thing every day and measuring the most important thing and you basically are guaranteed to succeed after a few years.

9. Results Oriented Prime Their Subconscious Minds To Visualize Their Results

Results oriented know that their subconscious minds steer their conscious actions and work to relentlessly ensure they aren’t letting their limited belief systems or past conditioning hold them back.

The results oriented know how easy it is to sabotage one’s self. It’s the main cause of human strife, so they focus hard on this task.

Constantly checking their belief systems and catching themselves as they take action.

Like just today, as I put together a training video, I caught myself expecting a low level version video because it’s the first video I’m putting together. I was literally limiting my capacity for no reason. When even while I’ve never done a video before, it’s easy to learn video editing with all the tools out there and my first version can and should be world class.

Obviously I know there will be iteration and improvement, but this is a process that will happen either way.

However, there’s no reason that even on this first try I can’t expect to produce a best in class training video

10. Results Oriented Know That Self Improvement And Living Their Ideals Makes Life Worth Living

I went to a casual Saturday coffee with a good friend who wanted to introduce me to another. We were talking about podcasts we like and the friend of my friend said “oh I don’t care for self improvement" in a way that implied they were evolved past it or even worse, to “cool" for it. I instantly knew this person needed it more than anyone and that they weren’t growth minded much less results oriented. I came to find out later they weren’t very “ambitous" (their words not mine) and weren’t “happy with their job". Not surprised given they aren’t striving to be their best each day with higher levels of excellence whether it was at work or life.

This person also complained that there werne’t enough single men in NYC, a city with the most # of single men. Something that would come generally from someone with a victim mindset that lacks. Not surprised that person was also “single" even though they very much wanted not to be. Sad that they could instantly not be single if only they lived to uphold excellence for it’s own sake.

When you exist to be excellent, there’s nothing that doesn’t get done. Trying doesn’t even need to be tried. Things just happen.

The reason this is so is because when growth is your “why", you’re naturally what get’s perceived to be “relentless" by regular folks. Even though for you it’s just a day of living, it’s a way of doing things that attracts exactly what you want.

Back to my friends friend: if they strived every day to be their best for it’s own sake,or became less “cool" and more of a self improvement “nert" (like me or you who reads these articles) they’d figure out how their perceiption and limiting belief systems are literally creating the conscious reality they don’t want.

11. Results Oriented Are Well Aware of Just How Much “Progress" And Evolution Has Happened In The Last 10 Years

More in the last 10 than the last two hundred. We’re able to engineer a green rabbit and can go to sleep in a self driving car as it arrives at our destination 8 hours later when we wake up.

Relationships between couples being re-invented as it’s easier than ever before to not be lonely yet being enlightened enough to not feel loneliness in the first place recognizing it’s just a story we tell ourselves.

The results oriented stay at the cutting edge of their future, and know the future is always now.

12. Results Oriented Aren’t Scared Of Death, They Embrace It For Progress and Liberation

The results oriented know death is coming and harness it’s inevitability to live in peace and happiness now.

This helps them value the results they want so they know how much effort a result is worth expending for.

This gives them perspective and allows for realistic goal settings and adequate fulfillment and valuation of those goals being achieved.

As a result, they know to be joyful every day because not being joyful is just a waste of time. Death is coming.

They know to pick a field they love and to try to become the best in that field because why not? Death is coming.

They know to enjoy and embrace each moment they can no matter what they’re doing and who they’re with. Because why not? Death is coming.

They know this and ask themselves the hard questions like “when I become 80, will I wish I did this?" Then the decision becomes easy.

Therefore, the results oriented maximize their potential in the process of their journey and are happy with who they are.

13. Results Oriented Know Where Happiness Comes From And Embrace Change, Much Less Resist It

The results oriented love when they feel afraid, because they listen and it’s a signal that they’re growing.

14. The Results Oriented Realize They Too Need To Be Futurists To Survive The Rate Of Innovation

The results oriented know that 1 billion of us will be deemed “useless" soon, and it doesn’t scare them because they aren’t scared of evolution. Therefore they know to look forward to where the world is going and not only stay abreast to the trends and technologies that are affecting our lives, but embrace them.

For example, it’s clear that college degrees are losing their value as the industrial age has become the internet age. Yet so many people still cling to degrees and “being picked" for a job when the reason anyone get’s picked for a job in the first place is because of skills, competence and market needs. Understanding and applying that knowledge is very simple and some quick application will yield the experience that brings the confidence that can lead to mastery of a field. This makes the process of shipping off to a place with thousands of other 18 year olds for 4 years, to be given a piece of paper that says you’re competent in something with zero or maybe a little experience so you can read 8 books and write maybe 8 papers and some passing grades seem pretty ridiculous, no? To boot, you’re paying tens and hundreds of thousands and creating debt for yourself in the process.

Meanwhile, one of the many ways I learned from the ultimate teacher that matters (the market) is when I started writing.

I learned you need to write every day to become a master, not when the paper is due. I learned you need to read a lot every day, not when the test is coming up. A book a week, not a book every six months (a semester)

15. Results Oriented Know The Value Of Relationships

They’re so focused on results, they’re shrewd with who they spend their time with. They know that work speaks for itself and will attract all the right people they need

They have faith that the right person will show up at the right time whenever they need it because their work will attract it.

They don’t put up with relationships that don’t empower them and know that connection and love can be had by anyone whether new or old, family or friend — so there’s no need to hang on to old relationships that have either fizzled out or are no longer productive with their current iteration.

This is not to say the results oriented “use people" — quite the contrary. The results oriented are so relentlessly focused on value they won’t even say hello to anyone without providing some kind of value to them. This builds up a lot of good will, effectiveness and trust.


The results oriented lay it on the line.

They burn boats and bridges, relationships and situations — as they need to.

They’re Christopher Columbus exploring America with a slim chance of life much less success. They’re comfortable with “out with the old and in with the new".

Not as some knock against old people but a loving embrace for evolutionary progress which can be one of the big things that make life worth living.

Because the results oriented certainly don’t consider age as anything that actually exists — and know health and longevity is the result of the fallen people behind us who made brought us to where we are today after 4 billion years of evolutionary success.

It’s the fearlessness of the results oriented that got us here, and got us, well, results.

How bad do you want results? Most people don’t want them bad enough. If you are ready to commit to being results oriented, or want to transform into the person who commits to being results oriented. Jump on my calendar for a coaching strategy session and I will look forward to it.

You Are Only As Much As You Invest In Yourself!

Click Here To Schedule A Live Coaching Session With Me if you’re ready for accelerated results in work, health, relationships and more.

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