The One Ability That Separates Successful Startups From The Average.

De enige mogelijkheid die succesvolle startups scheidt van het gemiddelde.

Je hebt één leven. Laat iedereen anders de hunne niet de wereld veranderen.

Ondernemer zijn betekent niet slim zijn.

Het gaat niet om het hebben van eindeloze fondsen.

Het gaat niet om het aantal uren dat je erin stopt.

Het gaat erom te achterhalen wat je wilt veranderen aan de wereld, en eropuit gaan om het te doen.

Het gaat over visie.

Het gaat om het vermogen om visie te stellen en eraan vast te houden.

Het gaat erom je bijl te nemen en te loggen bij de boom die de weg van OTHER PEOPLE naar succes blokkeert .

Visie is doen wat anderen niet doen.

It’s the ability to see beyond what others see.

It’s about being stubborn and taking risks.

It’s about throwing away the axe of execution for a flamethrower.

Go beyond the mass

“No we can’t!"

Says almost everyone.

“It’s impossible" VS “Let’s go!"

“Let’s go" = vision.

Vision = no excuse-making but future-making.

The impossible is impossible until someone does it anyway.

The next thing seems stupid until it’s THE thing.

That’s vision. No more tricks, no more explanations.

It’s about taking that step.


Aim higher

What do you change?

Get rid of your features. Shut up about your technology.

Your startup’s success doesn’t depend on you building an epic solution.

It depends on structurally addressing someone’s struggle better than anyone else.

In 5 years what will you have changed?

Now think again.

What’s wrong with the world?

What is a huge problem that’s not being addressed right?

What’s holding you back from fixing it BIG time?

In 10 years, what will you have changed?

That’s your vision.

It’s not about how.

Vision is about where.

Stop talking about why.

Where will the world be in 5–10 years?

Now set up everything to make that happen!


Fail smart, then fast

Vision is where do you need to be in 5–10 years?

Where will you take the world in 5–10 years?

Grab everything that doesn’t get you there, and kick it out the window!

What are you doing that doesn’t get you to your vision?


So from this moment, you can start failing fast!

Because everything you’re doing is moving you towards vision.

You’re no longer failing on things that don’t matter.

You’re figuring out better ways to do it.

So now you’re failing smart.

Then ideate, hypothesise, build, measure, learn. Iterate. Fail fast.

Entrepreneurship is failing into a better way of doing things.

Vision is solving the struggle better than anyone.



Test again.

Test even more.

Start running, don’t look back!

Get up and make change happen!

Have vision as the wind in your sails.

Have vision pick you up when you fail.

Have vision to go at it ONE HUNDRED percent.

Have vision to raise the bar and launch your rocket.

Have vision, and trust you learn how to fly a rocket before failing.

Now go and hit the gas

Everyone is building stuff. Stuff that’s better than yours.

Vision is what puts you ahead of them.

Vision is what helps you go beyond and above.

Vision is connecting dots that others don’t.

Vision is having the balls to do what others won’t.

Vision is failing towards win.

Now go and make what others need.


Two last things…

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