The Three Most-Overlooked Digital Marketing Hacks Small-Businesses Forget To Utilize -
De drie meest overklimste digitale marketing-hacks die kleine bedrijven vergeten te gebruiken
Elke dag kom ik een ander klein bedrijf tegen dat moeite heeft om te traceren in de digitale wereld. Het frustrerende is dat het vandaag absoluut noodzakelijk is om aanwezig en actief te zijn in de digitale ruimte. Nalaten is om opzettelijk potentiële nieuwe bedrijven op tafel te leggen.
Hier volgen drie digitale marketingtactieken die de meeste kleine bedrijven vergeten te gebruiken en hoe u ze kunt benutten om uw bedrijf weer te laten groeien.
Display en sociale remarketing
Remarketinginspanningen zijn nog steeds de nummer één tactiek die ik zie als kleine bedrijven op tafel gaan. Remarketing is het relatief eenvoudige proces van het taggen van sitebezoekers en vervolgens remarketing naar hen op basis van welke pagina's en inhoud ze mogelijk hebben bekeken.
The two primary ways to deploy remarketing are Google Remarketing with the Google Remarketing Tag and Facebook Remarketing which utilizes Facebook’s Pixel code. Both allow you to implement better-targeted display ads across Google’s display network and targeted social media posts on Facebook and Instagram. While the backend coding can be a little intimidating, an effective remarketing campaign, via Google Adwords or Facebook’s ad platforms, is easily managed. If your business is still not taking advantage of this tactic, reach out to an agency or freelance resource. They can quickly set-up a remarketing plan for you, and it will be the marketing expenditure you make all year.
Developing Content That Speak’s To Your Customers
While the site content you’re providing might be helpful to your visitors, often it fails to convert because companies forget to customize their content to match the ultimate intent of your most ideal customers, the ones who are already somewhere in the conversion funnel.
Developing a comprehensive content strategy is more a case of hitting-up the right people with the right message at the right time. Too often, companies post content that is too general, thus failing to be relevant. Take what you have learned about your customers’ various buying personas and figure out what the trigger points were for each.
After that, develop additional content that specifically addresses their needs and intents during the buying process (do they, for instance, need the reassurance of reading customer testimonies, reviewing detailed specifications about your products, or a thought-leadership piece that convinces then you are an active and expert participant in your space). Through your inbound and outbound data, create some typical buyer personas and then produce content that will be especially attractive to them.
Interactive and Mobile Friendly Email Campaigns
With a growing majority of your customers now accessing your site from mobile devices, it’s essential that one of your most powerful digital marketing tools, your email marketing campaign, is also designed for mobile consumption. Creating emails goes beyond simple responsive design, though that remains a challenge to many small companies. You must also audit your email campaigns and include more interactive features within them.
The goal is to make the user experience as frictionless as possible. Now that they’ve opened your email, can it direct them to features or products that are of particular interest to them? Can they browser your latest product offerings, launch a video, contact customer service and initiate a shopping cart from your email? Regardless of what your email’s original intent was.
Some Final Notes
Before diving into any of these tactics, small businesses should be ready to commit to the following:
- Develop and grow your email marketing list. Provide potential customers opportunities to win a service each month in exchange for their contact information, or deploy customer feedback cards with a promise to get specials and discounts.
- Treat your customers like the fans of your brand you want them to be. Engage with them and encourage them to share content on Instagram and Facebook.
- Automate, automate, automate. Tools like MailChimp help you to make almost any marketing activity automated. Birthday messages, stop back in reminders, thank you for frequent visits or follow up for a “how are we doing" review.
- Commit to being consistent and ready to maintain a campaign. You can’t just go hard and heavy for three months and then die off and go silent. Any sound digital marketing campaign requires consistent and constant attention and activity.
- Organize your website in a way that allows you to identify customer segments easily and to customize the remarketing message. (i.e., If you are a restaurant, split your breakfast, lunch, and dinner messages onto separate pages to quickly identify the visiting intent of a customer. If you are a salon, separate men’s, women’s, and children’s haircut services to speak more to the scheduling and style needs of the customer.)
Christopher Mohs is een digitaal strateeg en oprichter van Cora + Krist. Hij is al meer dan 16 jaar bezig met het strategiseren en inzetten van digitale marketinginitiatieven voor enkele van 's werelds meest bekende merken.
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