Wat zijn de volgende generatie marketingvaardigheden die marketeers in 5 tot 10 jaar moeten beheersen? - Quora

Wat zijn de volgende generatie marketingvaardigheden die marketeers in 5 tot 10 jaar moeten beheersen?

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Mohamed Nabil
Mohamed Nabil , ik ben een marketingconsulent en een ex-marketingmanager voor een softwarebedrijf

We zullen allemaal "E-commerce gemak" voor onze klanten moeten creëren, terwijl we "Brick & Mortar" omarmen.

Marketeers moeten "Tech Savvies" worden met een hoge offline sociale activiteit.

Internet Of Things zal bijvoorbeeld grote invloed hebben op zowel digitale marketing als offline productactivering.

Ik leen het volgende deel van mijn Today's Article about The Business Questions I Enjoy Answering

Vraag 10- Hoe ziet marketing eruit in 2020?

Antwoord: Interessante vraag, ik zal de belangrijkste punten uit mijn artikel, leidende marketingafdelingen in 2016 extraheren om te voorspellen hoe 2020 zou kunnen zijn ...

1- Marketing Digitalisatie; omdat we moeten opmerken dat de grootste invloed op de digitale marketingkaart altijd is hoe gebruikers gegevens verbruiken en op de tweede plaats komen - hoe digitale platforms hun algoritmen bijwerken ... Voortbouwend op dit punt, in 2020, zal niet alleen digitale marketing neem het grootste deel van de marketingbudgetten van bedrijven, er zal ook een enorme hoeveelheid worden besteed aan internet of things-georiënteerde marketingactiviteiten. In 2016 moeten merken zich richten op mobiele applicaties en mobielvriendelijke websites, aangezien gebruikers meer gebruikmaken van mobiele telefoons dan pc, Google overweegt 'Website's Responsiveness' als een ranking-factor en platforms zoals LinkedIn 55% krijgen van hun verkeer van mobiele apparaten. Wat 2020 betreft, zal Internet of Things Mobile vervangen.

2- Content Marketing; according to CMI, this is how companies will be spending on Content Marketing in 2016:

An average of 28% of Companies' Marketing Budget, which I expect to rise to 90% by 2020, creating a state of Everything-Content, imagine yourself relaxing in the bathroom, watching YouTube videos on your Google Glasses, viewing a 20 Seconds video, with a convenient Call-To-Action, like "Wink now to Order" two packs of Head & Shoulders Shampoo and get a free pack of soap.

3- Video Marketing; currently Marketers are advised to create 15-20 Seconds videos, to go best with the pace of the life that we are living. As users would become more attached to Internet, due to the factor of Internet Of Things, I would be expecting videos with all possible lengths and variations to be successful.

4- CSR Will Keep Winning; imagine that the video you were watching was just like World Food Programme-Ibrahimovich's video in 2015 805 Million Names â Zlatan IbrahimoviÄ This time, the video would be ending with a Call to action, like Wink now to donate five dollars. Brands will definitely keep embracing CSR, in their attempts to build Sustainable Online Communities, and treat us like Members, instead of just "Customers".

5- Automation Vs Humanization; Marketing Automation will definitely expand its wings to cover more areas-more effectively than now. However, Brands will also realize the importance of a human touch within different operations of Marketing and CRM... Leading the solutions in the market to focus on solving issues that consume employees' time with the least effect on the brand's relation with its Customers. This could possibly create more job opportunities for Customer Service Representatives, Digital Marketing Executives...

6- Integration as a virtue, in the 2016's article, a main part was stated as: "Integration requires more effort in 2016"... Make it Way-More-Effort in 2020, but these main challenges will remain:

  • With the increasing need for a valuable Online Brand Presence, rises the need for Offline Product Activation… The more virtual the World becomes, the more we miss a Human Touch.
  • Your Customers use Google as a Verb, and as a Search Engine, Your Adwords paid campaigns influence your Organic reach on the long term, and they should definitely be integrated.
  • Social Media efforts should always be aligned with SEO efforts; Search Engines are getting smarter at finding users’ needs, and Social Media Platforms are getting smarter at indexing… Make use of it!
  • “If you’re not Selling Online, you won’t be selling soon", Online Stores are boosting customers’ Satisfaction. Focus on the latest E-commerce Trends and make a Convenient Customer Experience the core of your Strategy.
  • Embrace Brick & Mortar; even the world’s leading Electronic Mall, Amazon has launched an Offline Book Store, the amount of Online Publicity associated with the event provides a perfect example of Integrated Marketing Communication.
  • Consumer Insights gathered through Market Research provide a key success factor for your Communication Team, and Sales People… While insights reported back from Communication and Sales Teams can help you Stay Agile and Optimize your tactics along the way.

7- How Big is Your Data? In 2016, many brands are relying on Big Data Solutions to gain a Competitive advantage... In 2020, a shift from "Big Boxes to Big Data" will become compulsory! Market Leaders would have already shifted, and others will need to shift to aim at catching up.

8- Cross Departmental Communication

Along with the main challenges highlighted in the article, this point will essentially change in different ways... The number of companies' employees might be decreasing, but the Distances are increasing! Coming up with resolutions for such problem will differentiate True Leaders from others.

9- Micro Management Kills Productivity

It will surely continue to kill Creativity, Innovation and Productivity, but at a much less rate than now- Markets of 2020 will be harder for Micro Managers to survive and maintain positions.

10- Celebration Strategy

This point is mainly related to your Leadership Style while working with other professionals... and will involve challenges of "Distance", just like the previous points.

Concepts of Mutual Benefit, and the main notion of "Long Joyful Journeys start with a Positive Step, consider reading this huge article your first step toward enhancing Business Operations, and always remember that Your Department’s Members are Human Beings Before Becoming Human Resources, and Your Target Audience are Humans Before Becoming Customers." will definitely remain to be true in 2020.

The Last Question was surely the most enjoyable for me to answer... So these are my answers, What about Yours?

Simply, it is a whole new world with new Challenges ahead!

333 Views · Answer requested by Gabriel John Rodriguez
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Gerardo Dada
Gerardo Dada, 20 years in Marketing, Strategy & Technology

The truth is that the core marketing skills don't change much over time. Our understanding of marketing does.

Technology often has implications for marketers: digital marketing did not exist much 40 years ago. SEO is fairly new. But these are tactics.

The core marketing skills remain the same: understand your customers and what they want, tell persuasive stories (or copy), spread the word.

Even concepts like content marketing, 'revenue marketing' and data-driven marketing have been around for years.

But to answer your question, there is one area where marketing is been getting stronger, and will son become a required skill for all marketers: psychology.  more specifically behavioral economics.

To get started here I recommend reading Dan Ariely's Predictably Irrational

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Thanks for the A2A.

I believe, today's marketing is yesterday's marketing and is tomorrow's marketing (as far as you consider delivering your marketing message as THE outcome/result of market reseach and it's crafted based on fundamentals and not premade tactics)

With that, I would say that -in my opinion- the "next" marketing skill is adaptability.

Marketing channels will change over time; there will always be new medias that you can rely on to reach your audience... however, HOW you use these channels properly to deliver your message is the real challenge... and that's when adaptability comes into play.

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Mike Schoultz
Mike Schoultz, Always thinking about continuous learning.

So here are the creative thinking skills we believe are most critical to becoming a marketing expert of the future:

Be great at understanding your target audience.

Identify all the questions your audience are concerned about and understand their concern priorities and interrelationships. Answer those concerns across multiple formats and multiple channels in a way that adds value to your audience. Start with the most important concerns and work your way down the list. You must “Give to Getting" so do not promote or put registration hurdles in front of your content.

Adept at incorporating both logic and emotion into their thinking

While there’s often an organizational premium placed on left brain thinking – the quantitative, analytical, logical processing that moves toward definitive answers – the best creative thinkers are skilled at using both a left brain and right brain integration. Right brain thinking incorporates a qualitative, connecting, and a more abstract view of market threats and opportunities. Rarely do important questions get answered succeed or fail solely through an analytical and logic-based analysis.

Continually questioning both the familiar and the new

Many people are fine questioning what they don’t agree with. As a result, you have people clamoring for change who are excited to question everything about the status quo. People who are completely comfortable with just the way things are right now suddenly discover their questioning when the possibility of dramatic change rears its head.

The best future marketers will be skillful at questioning yesterday, today, tomorrow, and everything in the future. Additionally, the more they explore future options, the more new questions they generate.

Here is a text with some awesome examples: Book Synopsis: Exploring New Age Marketing ... Learning from Examples

Develop marketing examples

I am a big believer in curiosity and imagination. They contribute heavily to creative minds. We’re first curious about something, and it’s that curiosity that drives us to create. Try to think of inventors who created something without first being curious or imaginative. Difficult isn’t it?

There was a study done recently wherein jazz musicians’ brains were monitored while they were improvising during gigs. Long, boring, tedious, academic story short — these musicians’ brains had essentially learned to “turn off" that little thing in there that tells you that this won’t work or will fail. So without that stopping them, their imagination thrived, and you’ve heard many of the amazing results.


Carefully watch things around you to help gain insights into, and ideas for, new ways of doing things. Pay particular attention to areas outside your natural areas of interest. That worked for Paul, who gained his insights from his own efforts.


The ability to listen to customers is essential to providing great service for some reasons.

Not only is it important to pay attention to individual customer interactions (watching the language/terms that they use to describe their problems), but it's also important to be mindful and attentive to the feedback that you receive at large.

What are your customers telling you without saying it?

Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he writes about topics that relate to improving the performance of business. Go to Amazon to obtain a copy of his latest book, Exploring New Age Marketing. It focuses on using the best examples to teach new age marketing … lots to learn. Find them on G+, Twitter, and LinkedIn

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Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang, Managing Partner, 3 Avenues

Jeez tough question! In a nutshell we are bound by the rate of technology, but here is my full answer:

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Tom Goodwin
Tom Goodwin, I write about advertising for Adweek, AdAge, Guardian, Media Post and more
I think the skillset remains the same for most roles.
We aways should have been good with technology, empathy, creativity, understanding data.
We just talk about it more now.
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Anthony Requia
Anthony Requia, 10 years of digital marketing and technology experience

Marketeers moeten de komende 5 tot 10 jaar gefocust blijven op de customer journey. Klanten zijn meer onderlegd dan ooit en eisen geweldige producten en diensten van de bedrijven waarmee ze zaken doen. Marketeers moeten klantrecensies lezen en die feedback gebruiken om hun marketingpad te verbeteren.

Marketeers moeten blijven samenwerken met ontwerpers om de best mogelijke klantervaring te creëren en op zoek te gaan naar nieuwe manieren om waarde te creëren.

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Laatst gevraagd 9 dec. 2016