When Is the Best Time to Send an Abandoned Cart Email?

Op dit moment is het geen geheim dat een achtergelaten cart-e-mailcampagne  een van de meest waardevolle e-mailmarketingcampagnes in de buurt is. Bijna 77% van de online winkelwagentjes werd in 2017 verlaten , wat een gelegenheid biedt voor e-commercebedrijven om een ​​hoop inkomsten te recupereren.

Er zijn veel variabelen om te tweaken om de meeste conversies te krijgen van verlaten winkelwagen-e-mails. Maar net als bij de meeste geactiveerde e-mails is het belangrijk om de timing goed te krijgen.

De sleutel is om de klant te bereiken wanneer ze het meest ontvankelijk zijn, op basis van hun koopgedrag . Het is net zo goed mogelijk om een ​​e-mail te snel te verzenden als het een te laat is. Dit leidt ons dus tot twee vragen:

  1. 1Wanneer is de beste tijd om een ​​verlaten winkelwagen-e-mail te verzenden?
  2. 2Wat maakt een verlaten winkelwagen-e-mail effectief?

Ten eerste, wanneer u evalueert hoe effectief een wijziging in uw e-mailmarketing is,  is het succespercentage de krachtigste statistiek voor het meten van succes. Open rates en click rates  zijn geweldig, maar aan het einde van de dag is de verkoop het enige dat telt.

Nadat we miljoenen e-mails hebben verzonden, weten we nu pas wanneer we e-mails  over verlaten wagens moeten verzenden en hoe we e-mails kunnen maken die een deel van de resterende $ 450 biljoen in verlaten winkelwagentjes terugkrijgen .

Stuur de eerste verlaten winkelwagen e-mail een uur na het verlaten

omrekeningskoersen per tijd na stopzetting

Het blijkt dat er een optimaal venster is wanneer klanten het meest ontvankelijk zijn voor een verlaten winkelwagen-e-mail. Als u te snel contact maakt met verliezers van de winkelwagen, resulteert dit in lagere conversiepercentages. Als u te lang wacht om contact met hen op te nemen, worden de resultaten nog slechter.

Conversiepercentages voor e-mails die 60 minuten na de laatste interactie van de klant op uw site zijn verzonden, zijn het hoogst om twee redenen:

  1. 1Uw e-mailadres neemt geen contact op met klanten die terug zouden komen en een aankoop doen zonder enige aanmoediging.
  2. 2Uw e-mail belandt in de inbox van de klant voordat deze ergens anders koopt.

Your first abandoned cart email—the reminder email—generates the most revenue, so take some time to run A/B tests and find out what works best, use a customer service approach and avoid any hard selling.

Here’s an example from HydroFlask…

hydroflask verlaten cart e-mail voorbeeld

Once your first email is dialed in, round out your abandoned cart email campaign with an additional two emails.

Send a Second and Third Abandoned Cart Email to Recover the Most Revenue

Even though the first email is the most effective, a single abandoned cart email doesn’t recapture all of the revenue left on the table by cart abandoners. Following up with customers who don’t purchase after the first email generates a significant amount of revenue.

Here’s an example from one of our customers:

verlaten uitval van de campagne in de winkelwagen

The second and third emails rake in a combined total of $324,672.49, which is over half of the total revenue of this abandoned cart email campaign.

This is why the most effective abandoned cart email campaign is a series of emails that maintains contact with the customer until they complete their order. A campaign that features fewer than three emails is likely leaving a significant amount of revenue on the table.

Based on the data, sending a second email one day after abandonment and a third email three days after abandonment will bring in the most conversions. Using this three-email series, one company is able to get peak conversion rates of over 32%, which we showcased in this research piece.

As you setup your abandoned cart series, remember to suppress further abandoned cart emails once a customer returns and completes their purchase. Continuing to contact a customer after they’ve completed the sale turns a positive interaction into an annoyance.

Take a Customer-Centric Approach to Get the Most Value from Your Abandoned Cart Campaign

Now that you know when to send abandoned cart emails, it’s important to speak to customers in the right way. The customer-centric approach is by far the best strategy for reaching out to cart abandoners. If you focus on helping the customer, your customer service will leave a great impression of your company, and you’ll collect valuable qualitative feedback, even if you don’t win the sale.

Here’s how PeachDish approach their abandoned cart campaign…

PeachDish verlaten cart email voorbeeld

Image Source

There’s a lot going right in this email from PeachDish. Let’s take it from the top.

Send Abandoned Cart Emails from a Live Email Address

PeachDish sent this email from a live monitored email address (michael(at)peachdish.com), so that the customer could respond directly to the email if they wished to give feedback or ask a question.

In your own abandoned cart campaigns, always send from a monitored email with a name attached to it. You can also go one step further and include a customer service phone number. This helps humanize the interaction, and builds trust with the customer by allowing them direct access to a helpful person.

Start by Offering to Help the Customer

PeachDish does a great job of frontloading the customer service in this email. The customer service inquiry comes before the sales offer.

This is a staple of a customer-centric campaign. Always offer to help the customer with their problem first. If the customer abandoned their cart because there was an issue with your site, the offer won’t make much difference.

Additionally, this approach helps you identify problems with your checkout process that are causing customers to abandon carts, so you can fix them ASAP.

Use a Discount in Dollars for More Conversions.

The discount in this email is in dollars off, which is smart for PeachDish. Research shows that using a larger number in your discounts gets more conversions, regardless of whether it’s in dollars or percent.

Using your average order value, calculate the discount you can offer without negatively impacting your ROI. If the discount in dollars is a higher number than the equivalent percentage, offer the discount in dollars. For example, a $50 discount will likely perform better than a 15% discount, even if they’re equivalent based on your average order value.

Given the decline in conversions for the second and third emails in the series, using a discount in these emails will help boost conversion rates for your follow-up emails.

But keep in mind that if you always offer a discount to cart abandoners, you run the risk of training your customers to abandon carts to get a discount. Use frequency capping to avoid this pitfall.

Something else to note is that unexpected shipping costs accounted for 25% of abandoned carts in 2017, so offering free shipping in your abandoned cart email campaign is a good way to directly address a common customer objection.

Use Data Collection and Dynamic Content to Reduce Buying Friction

One of the most important aspects of an abandoned cart email is that it removes any barriers to making a purchase that the customer encountered the first time. If a customer returns to make a purchase after receiving one abandoned cart email, then runs into another problem and abandons again, chances are they won’t be back for a third try.

peak design tas verlaten winkelwagen e-mail

This abandoned cart email from Peak Design utilizes some great data collection tools and dynamic content insertion to personalize the email, and make it easy for the customer to complete the purchase.

Use Session Regeneration to Make It Easy for Customers to Get Back to Their Cart and Complete the Sale

Peak Design uses session regeneration to take the customer from their inbox, back to their cart already populated with their selections.

The goal of this tactic is to make it as easy as possible for the customer to complete a purchase. An abandoned cart email should help the customer finish buying in the fewest clicks possible. If a customer has to refill their cart, they may decide it’s too much effort and opt out of the purchase.

Dynamically Insert Images into Your Abandoned Cart Emails for Better Personalization

This email also uses information from the customer’s shopping cart to present imagery that matches what the customer was looking at.

Personalized emails get 10% more conversions, on average. However, dynamically including the customer’s name in the subject line stopped impressing customers. So it’s time to step up the email game, and start personalizing the emails themselves.

The more specific your email is to the customer, the better the email is going to perform.

Optimize Your Emails for Viewing on Multiple Devices

40% of online transactions involve multiple devices, and 71% of customers react negatively to inconsistencies in brand experience across devices. This means that your abandoned cart emails should be optimized for viewing on any device.

Have a look at the desktop version and the mobile version of this email from Frank and Oak. See how similar they are?

open eik winkelwagentje verlaten e-mail op mobiele en desktop apparaten

Image Source

This Frank and Oak abandoned cart email is laid out thoughtfully, so that the email is not only readable on a desktop computer or a mobile phone, but the user experience is almost exactly the same.

Customers want to feel familiar with the site no matter which one they go to. Using the desktop site should be really similar to using the mobile site, so that there’s no learning curve at all. The same goes for email. When the customer opens an email on their mobile phone after first viewing it on their laptop, they should easily be able to locate all the links and information because they already viewed the desktop version.

Here’s How Your Abandoned Cart Email Campaign Should Look:

  1. 13 email series
    1. 1First email one hour after abandonment.
    2. 2Second email one day after abandonment.
    3. 3Third email three days after abandonment.
  2. 4Customer-centric approach
    1. 1Offer to help the customer before driving the sale.
    2. 2Always send from a monitored email address.
    3. 3Include a customer service number.
  3. 4Personalized emails
    1. 1Include dynamically inserted images of products that were in the customer’s cart.
    2. 2Use session regeneration to provide a link to a populated cart to minimize buying friction.
  4. 3Optimize emails for multiple devices
    1. 1Provide a consistent user experience across all devices.

What to Do Now

  • Subscribe here for future post alerts.
  • Learn more about abandoned cart emails.
  • Contact us if you’d like our team to create an abandoned cart email campaign for you.
  • Calculate your ROI to find out how much revenue you could recover with an abandoned cart email campaign, timed to perfection 😉
James Miller is a content writer at Rejoiner. He's responsible for engaging with customers through the Rejoiner blog. He researches and writes articles that are useful for customers and subscribers. James is a ski nerd and book writer.