Why Do Companies Fail With Freemium? – The Startup – Medium

Waarom falen bedrijven met Freemium?

7 Redenen waarom bedrijven falen met freemium

Opmerking: dit artikel geeft een gedeelte van het grotere en diepgaande artikel weer:  Freemium versus gratis proefmodel versus hybride klantacquisitiemodel in SaaS .

Laten we een paar van de meest voorkomende redenen bespreken waarom SaaS-bedrijven falen met een freemium-model.

# 1 Geen of weinig stimulans bieden voor gratis klanten om te converteren

Te veel van het product weggeven is een manier om met freemium te falen. Ervan uitgaande dat de kosten voor gratis service aan klanten laag zijn, moeten bedrijven een zorgvuldig evenwicht vinden. Ze moeten toegang verschaffen tot net genoeg van het product om voortdurend waarde te verkrijgen, maar niet voldoende om de prikkel voor gebruikers om het product te kopen weg te nemen. Het doel van de freemium is om klanten te verleiden het productgebruik te verhogen en in wezen om te zetten naar een betaald abonnement.

# 2 Lever niet genoeg waarde

If you provide features that are of low importance to the user, or limit you free version to the level where no value can be extracted from the product, you will most likely fail. Even if you provide your product free of charge, users still have to derive some value from it. For example, if SurveyMonkey allowed just one question per free survey, it’s unlikely anyone would find enough value to use the tool. What’s more, fewer survey responders would be exposed to the SurveyMonkey product and brand.

#3 Don’t create a sense of urgency

One of the main criticisms of the freemium model is that it doesn’t create a sense of urgency. A free trial expires, which creates urgency for users to invest the time to user and learn about the product value. However, companies can craft freemiums that highlight the urgency factor.

Analyze your freemium users and categorize them into three buckets:

1. Not ideal customer to get the full value for your product

2. Too small with no budget

3. Ideal customer with a budget but low usage

No matter how good your product is, it will never be the case that everyone finds enough value to buy it. Thus, not everyone is the ideal customer. Plus, not everyone has the budget. These free customers can still love your product and share positive reviews. They can be influencers and promote your product and related content across social media but conversion to paid customer might never happen. Therefore, focus on building urgency with the third category of free users who fit your ideal customer profile, have budget, but most likely do not yet use your product enough to pay for it.

You can create the urgency by communicating about new premium features that deliver more value or by highlighting the value missed by not having access to a premium subscription.

#4 Don’t nurture and engage continuously with prospects, resulting in a lower free-to-paid conversion rate

Too many companies overlook the importance of nurturing free customers while highlighting the differences between their free and paid versions. Instead, they rely on the idea that free customers will understand the product value and will convert themselves over time or as their needs grow. Companies have to continuously educate users on how they can get more benefits from the paid version of the product. It’s worth it to educate about new releases and product upgrades.

#5 Don’t track and analyze insights on how and why customers convert

This is related to the previous point. Companies need to outline a clear path to take free users to paid customers. It’s a mistake to think that free users don’t need to be analyzed or tracked. First, tracking free users can help you understand target customers better and create data-driven research content. For example, say your product tracks mobile app performance and collects uptime and the most common issues related to downtime. Your company could use this data to create an industry report showcasing uptime for each mobile app category. This type of customer usage-driven content is extremely effective in marketing and PR.

#6 Don’t provide appropriate onboarding experience

Even with the free version of your product, users will need to learn how to use your product. Remember, “empty state" or “zero data" is what prospects see during their initial signup process when no data is available in the product.Providing free access to your product that looks empty isn’t going to help you convert free users to paid customers. This is all part of onboarding, which is critical for successful product adoption and can also guide prospects through the steps to generate more data so they realize even more product value.

#7 Don’t evaluate the cost of supporting free customers

We talked about the cost of a freemium offering. It can quickly add up when considering all your costs, everything from cloud storage to support. Communicate to your users what’s included and excluded in the free version of the product. Ensure that your costs are manageable in the long term.

Read the full article: Freemium vs Free Trial vs Hybrid Customer Acquisition Model in SaaS.