10 Ways to Improve Your Website Design | TechnoBeep

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10 manieren om uw websiteontwerp te verbeteren

Het is niet eenvoudig om een ​​websiteontwerp te maken dat werkt. Dat is het echt niet.

Wist je dat wanneer een bezoeker op je website komt, je ongeveer vijf seconden (of minder) hebt om hun aandacht te trekken en ze te houden waar ze zijn? Dat is niet heel veel tijd om indruk te maken op iemand, dus als uw laadtijd niet perfect is of de navigatie van uw site overal ter wereld is, kunt u uw bezoekers vaarwel zeggen.

Believe it or not, the rapidly changing world of technology is not helping with this, either. New trends can easily make your website outdated and render it all but useless, leaving you with less visitors than you started with.

So, how are you supposed to fix this issue and keep your visitors? How do you create a website that looks good, functions perfectly, and communicates your message clearly?

A complete redesign comes to mind as a valid option, but in some situations you just won’t be able to do it—it’s expensive and takes time, which means that not only will you have to invest additional money in this project, but also put your website on hold for the foreseeable future.

However, even if a redesign is out of the picture, there’s no reason to panic. There are still a lot of ways out there for you to improve your website without having to spend your life savings and lose any more visitors.

In the infographic which follows below, we talk about 10 ways to improve your website design and give you tips on how you can immediately boost your site and, with it, your online presence. We’ve covered everything from moving to a responsive design to paying more attention to color schemes, so we’re sure that you’ll be able to find something that will help you better your own site in no time at all.

Happy reading and good luck!

About Author

Matt Rowland is founder of TechnoBeep. He loves writing about digital world, clouds, technologies, apps and gadgets and has been prophetic in identifying the best ways to leverage and harness such news to drive sales growth for companies ranging from startups to huge organizations.

One Response
  1. Francois May 16, 2018 / Reply

    Absolutely the # 3 was correct. I figured it out looking the stats of my website and the one that caused it is the speed. Took 20 secs to load it. So I immediately contacted webmaster to help me out of my problem. Took some heavy images out of it, doing some stuff that could make it more simple and most importantly, fast.

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