16 of the Best Landing Page Design Examples You Need to See in 2018

Marketing | 13 min gelezen

16 van de beste voorbeelden van bestemmingspagina's die u in 2018 moet zien

Geschreven door Karla Cook

Karla beveelt het 'Hoe ontwerpt en optimaliseert u bestemmingspagina's' aan: eBook Download Free Ebook

Voorbeelden van landingspagina's

  1. 6Wistia
  2. 12Unbounce
  3. 18IMPACT Branding & ontwerp
  4. 24Snuit
  5. 30Bills.com
  6. 36Trulia
  7. 42Teambit
  8. 48Landbot
  9. 54Webprofits
  10. 60H.BLOOM
  11. 66Velaro Live Chat
  12. 72Airbnb
  13. 78Conversie Lab
  14. 84Industriële krachtmarketing
  15. 90Shopify

Hoe overtuig je je bezoekers om een ​​duik te nemen op je website?

Er zijn zoveel elementen die een goede bestemmingspagina nodig heeft, en om die elementen het beste te maken, kunnen ze vaak afhankelijk zijn van de doelen van uw bestemmingspagina.

Neem de lengte van de vorm, bijvoorbeeld. Het is slechts een van de vele componenten die u moet optimaliseren, maar de beste werkwijzen zullen u vertellen dat zowel korte als lange formulieren goed presteren - het hangt er allemaal van af of u veel (mogelijk) minder hoogwaardige formulierinzendingen wilt genereren, of een kleiner aantal inzendingen van hogere kwaliteit.

Klik hier voor praktische tips voor het optimaliseren van bestemmingspagina's en het genereren van meer leads.

Dus als u op zoek bent naar een spel met een bestemmingspagina, is het handig om te weten wat er op een goede bestemmingspagina terechtkomt en een paar voorbeelden van deze genuanceerde elementen in actie te zien. Toen ik begon aan onderzoek naar dit laatste, merkte ik tot mijn verbazing dat er bijna geen sites zijn met voorbeelden van moderne, indrukwekkende bestemmingspagina's die meer zijn dan een aanmeldingsformulier op een homepage. Daarom hebben we besloten om een ​​lijst met bestemmingspagina's op te stellen waarvan we zelf houden.

Grote, grote waarschuwing hier: ik heb geen toegang tot de statistieken voor deze pagina's, dus ik kan u niet vertellen hoe goed ze bezoekers, leads en klanten converteren. Toch hebben deze voorbeelden enkele van de beste combinaties van die genuanceerde bestemmingspagina-elementen die ik ooit heb gezien. Het is duidelijk dat als je je geïnspireerd voelt om een ​​van deze tactieken op je eigen site te proberen, de enige manier om te weten of ze voor jou zullen werken, is door ze zelf uit te proberen.

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16 Voorbeelden van Design Great Landing Page

1) Wistia

De eerste is de bestemmingspagina van Wistia voor hun gratis Wistia-account. U ziet meteen het eenveldsformulier om uw account aan te maken: de blauwe achtergrond met minimaal patroon contrasteert mooi met het helderwitte formulierveld.

The length of the form field combined with the prominent placement eliminates nearly all friction to create an account ... but if you're having doubts, you can always scroll below to read answers to top FAQs. By separating these two sections with stark color contrast, Wistia makes it much easier for you focus on converting.

2) Unbounce

It's no surprise Unbounce is near the top of this list -- they've actually written the book on creating high-converting landing pages. Although there are lots of amazing things about this landing page, the two that I absolutely love are: 1) The use of a chat window instead of a classic form, and 2) the detailed -- but well packaged -- information below the form.

The first helps direct attention to the goal of the page -- for you to fill out the form -- in a way that's unobtrusive and feels less like a chore. The second gives this page an SEO boost (search engines will have more content to crawl) and assuages any worry from folks who need to know more about a piece of content before handing over their information, all while not distracting people from the chat window.

3) IMPACT Branding & Design

Full disclosure: IMPACT is a HubSpot partner -- but that's not why they're included here. IMPACT's landing pages have long been a source of design inspiration. I love the simple layout of the page, from the large headline copy and detailed featured image, to the outline that surrounds the form, to the colors and fonts that are very pleasing to the eye.

Notice that they've included a check box to subscribe to their blog, which is automatically checked. Note that while adding a check box field to your landing page forms is a great way to increase subscribers, it's better to leave it unchecked and let users opt in. Otherwise, you'll risk adding a lot of low quality subscribers to your contact base.

4) Muzzle

Landing pages help users decide whether or not your product or service is actually worth their precious time and energy. What better way to clearly and straightforwardly communicate your value proposition than by confronting visitors with the very problem your app solves?

Muzzle, a mac app that silences on-screen notifications, fully embraces this show don't tell mentality on their otherwise minimal landing page. Visitors to the page are greeted with a rapid-fire onslaught of embarassing notifications in the upper left of the screen. Not only is the animation hilarious, it also manages to compellingly convey the app's usefulness without lengthly descriptions.

5) Bills.com

Often, people think landing pages are static pages on your website. But with the right tools, you can make them interactive and personalized.

Take the example below from Bills.com. To see if you'd benefit from their consultation, you answer three questions before you are shown a form. It starts with this one:

Then, you answer two more questions, like the one below:

And here's the final landing page form where you fill out your information:

I'm not sure how the algorithm works (or if there's one at all), but while I was filling it out, I had some anxiety about not qualifying. Once I found out I did, I was excited to fill out the form, which I'm sure most people who are in debt and using this tool are. By making this offer seem more exclusive before the form appeared on the landing page, I'd bet that Bills.com increased conversions pretty significantly.

6) Trulia

Trulia did something very similar to Bills.com with their landing page. It starts with a simple form asking for "an address" (which sounds less creepy than "your address," although that's what they mean). Below this simple form field is a bright orange button that contrasts well with the hero image behind the form, and emphasizes that the estimate will be personalized to your home.

Of course, the address itself won't be enough to estimate the value of a home. It just denotes the home's neighborhood. That's why the next page follows with more questions about the property itself, like number of beds and baths. Below, you see the copy "Tell us where to send the report" -- with a disclaimer that, by entering this information, you're agreeing to connect with a real estate agent. This is a great example of a company giving value to their visitors from the get-go, while setting visitors' expectations about what will happen as a result.

7) Teambit

Whimsical isn't usually the first word that comes to mind when you think of HR software, but Teambit's illustration-heavy landing page is exactly that. A simple, one-field form is accompanied by a delighful office full of animal characters -- all of whom are very pleased with Teambit, in case you were wondering. An animal cartoon appears beside each informational section of the landing page, keeping visitors scrolling down to learn more.

Teambit's landing page is perfect proof that you don't need to have a conventionally "fun" product or service offering to create a fun landing page.

[Click here to see the whole landing page.]

8) Landbot

Landbot, a service that creates chatbot-based landing pages, puts their own product front and center on their chat-fueled landing page. Visitors are greeted by a friendly bot -- complete with emojis and GIFs -- who encourages them to provide information in a conversational format, instead of via a traditional form.

9) Webprofits

For a little contrast ... what about long landing pages? With just a few tricks, you can make even the longest landing page feel short. Webprofits' landing page below shows us how.

Right at the top, there's a prominent CTA button to learn more -- with a nice contrast against the background so it stands out, and a downward arrow to encourage scrolling. By not putting a form field up front, they help reduce friction and create an opportunity for visitors to learn more before being presented with a conversion option.

They also make it easy for you to figure out what Webprofits actually does. The rest of the page offers detailed information about what you'll get when you give over your information. Plus, it includes strategic CTAs throughout to take you back to the top to fill out the form, like "Let's Talk."

10) Inbound Emotion

Even if you don't speak Spanish, you can still appreciate the conversion capabilities of this HubSpot partner site. My two favorite features of the page? The form stays in a fixed, prominent position as you scroll through the site. I also love the hands that serve as directional cues toward filling out the form and sharing the page with others.


Sometimes, you've just got to stop and admire a landing page for being beautiful. Using high-resolution photography and lots of white space, H.BLOOM's landing page is a pleasure to look at.

Aside from its beauty, the page has some great conversions elements: an above-the-fold form, clear and concise description of what'll happen when you fill out the form, and even the bright orange "Submit" button. The only thing we'd change up? The copy on the "Submit" button -- that could be more specific to the offer at hand.

12) Velaro Live Chat

Sometimes the smallest details make the biggest difference. They're what make Velaro Live Chat's landing page awesome, for example.

That small PDF symbol over the feature image helps set expectations for what format the download will be in. The arrow in front of the subheadline helps further direct your attention to important copy they want visitors to read. Like IMPACT, they also have an auto-checked box to subscribe to their newsletter on their form -- which, if turned into an opt-in check box, is a great way to increase subscribers. All of these small, seemingly insignificant details help bring together a solid, admirable landing page design.

13) Airbnb

To help convert visitors into hosts, Airbnb offers some enticing personalization: an estimated weekly average earnings projection based on your location. You can enter additional information about your potential accommodations into the fields to get an even more customized estimation.

If you visit the page already convinced, the clear call-to-action at the top of the page makes it easy to convert on the spot.

14) Conversion Lab

While I wouldn't typically include an example of a homepage with a form on it in a post about landing pages, this website is special. The homepage is the entire website -- the navigation links just take you to the information below.

When you click "Get Help With Landing Pages," the entire site moves over to make room for the form. Here's what it looks like before you click:

And, when you click that CTA, check out how the form appears:

I love how you don't have to leave the page to fill out the form, yet the form won't feel intrusive to casual website visitors.

15) Industrial Strength Marketing

Right off the bat, this landing page pulls me in with a compelling, punchy header: "Don't Make Me Zoom." It directly speaks to a common experience most of us have had when we're browsing on our phones or tablets -- and it's a little sassy, too.

But that's not the only thing keeping me interested in this landing page. Notice how the color red is strategically placed: It's right at the top and bottom of the form, drawing you even closer to the conversion event.

Plus, this design is meta to boot: It looks and works great on mobile, too. Keep in mind that a lot of visitors will be accessing your landing pages on their smartphones or tablets, and if the design of your website doesn't work well for them, they might give up and leave your page.

The folks at Industrial Strength Marketing made the fonts and form field big enough so that visitors don't have to pinch-to-zoom to read and interact with the content, for example.

16) Shopify

Like many of the other landing pages in this post, Shopify's trial landing page keeps it simple. The user-oriented headline is just a few words, for example, and the page relies on simple bullets, not paragraphs, to communicate the trial's details and benefits. There are only a few fields you need to fill out before you get started. All of this makes it easier for you to get to the point: selling online with their tool.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in March 2014 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Originally published Aug 3, 2017 8:00:00 AM, updated April 27 2018
Topics: Calls to Action