An Early-Stage Founder’s Quick & Dirty Guide To Growth

Het volgende is een gastpost door William Griggs. William is de oprichter van Startup Slingshot , de bron voor door gevechten geteste opstartstrategieën. Toegang tot de audio-interviews van de aanbevolen groeibeoefenaars van vandaag, de volledige gids met 43 pagina's en talloze bronnen hier (gratis voor nu).

" Een startup is een bedrijf dat is ontworpen om snel te groeien."

Groei is waar stichters en investeerders constant naar zoeken. Door groei kunnen startups snel enorme waarde creëren in de markt. Zonder groei ben je dood in het water. Maar overeenkomstig Paul Graham is er een zilveren randje: "... als je groei krijgt, neigt al het andere ertoe om op zijn plaats te vallen."

" Om een ​​bedrijf echt groot te laten worden, moet het
(a) iets maken dat veel mensen willen, en
(b) al die mensen bereiken en dienen."

Helaas is voor de meeste oprichters het opstarten van deze hoogte niet extreem uitvoerbaar. In dit bericht onthullen we de methodologieën en tactieken die u nodig zult hebben om uw bedrijf te valideren en uw doelmarkt systematisch te bereiken en te bedienen.

Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je iets maakt dat veel mensen willen?

Making stuff is the easy part. The key, however, is making something a lot of people want. Market selection and product/market fit are critical here.

This is where a lot of startups end up spinning their wheels. As you build product early on, how do you determine if you’re on the right track or heading towards a dead end? While every business is unique in terms of exactly what it needs to do to achieve product/market fit, the process for quantifying it is consistent.

Assuming you can’t use sales as an indicator of product/market fit, below you will find several ways Brian Balfour, VP Growth at Hubspot suggests quantifying product/market fit for your startup. The further down you go on the list, the more customers are required to receive meaningful insight.

  1. Indicator Surveys -- What do people say about your product?
    1. Created by Sean Ellis, is the perfect tool for indicator surveys. To learn how to use, read this.
  2. Leading Indicator Data On Engagement -- How are people using your product?
    1. What are you seeing inside the product? How active are your customers?’
  3. Retention Cohort Curve -- Does your retention curve flatten off?
    1. If people consistently use your product over a certain period of time, you’ve reached product/market fit for at least a subset of the market.
    2. Unsure how to get started with cohort analysis? Read this.

Don’t have enough data to do any of these steps? Focus on executing “trickle marketing campaigns." Sean Ellis, CEO at Qualaroo was right to say that in order to understand what your target market thinks of your solution you have to expose it to them. The trick here is to not spend money and time on a big launch, instead focus on highly targeted marketing campaign that puts your product in the hands of the target market.

Before moving on to the second piece of Paul Graham’s growth equation, it’s important to emphasize that you have to get this right.Without product/market fit you’re wasting time even thinking about growth. As a founder, your startup is like a ticking time bomb says Andy Johns, Director of Growth at Wealthfront. You have a certain amount of time before everything will explode. To extend the time allotted, you need to show growth and the first step is establishing product/market fit.

How do you ensure you reach and serve all those people?

You’ve built something that solves a problem, for at least a part of the market, and now it’s time to get it into their hands.

Three Principles For Driving Quantifiable Growth

Learning how to reach and serve your target marketing isn’t rocket science but it isn’t obvious either. Those that drive quantifiable results do so by following these three principles:

  • Triage: They work on the highest return on investment activities, suggests Ivan Kirigin, CEO of YesGraph.
  • Test: They don’t assume they know what’s going to work. Instead, they focus on generating and testing hypotheses, Ivan adds. If you don’t take the time to get your analytics straight, so you can validate assumptions you’re flying blind.
  • Set Goals: They have a target metric they focus on. Doing so will help you focus your efforts.

Now let’s dig into the specifics.

How To Ensure You Reach Your Target Market

When starting to think about how you are going to really invest in reaching your target market, it’s important to revisit your business model. To start, you will need to formulate your target customer acquisition cost (CAC). Doing so will help guide you in determining which channels to test. To calculate your target CAC, you must estimate the average lifetime value (LTV) of your customer (learn how to calculate LTV) and subtract your profit margin. Hitting this CAC will allow you to profitably acquire customers. While most bootstrapped companies target a CAC that is 30% of their LTV, many VC backed companies that are trying to own their market typically spend to 100% of their LTV.

With this in mind, the next step is selecting what customer acquisition channels to test first. Below, I’ve briefly summarized Brian Balfour’s blog post titled, “5 Steps To Choose Your Customer Acquisition Channel."

Source: 5 Steps To Choose Your Customer Acquisition Channel by Brian Balfour

In this matrix, you will have a list of potential marketing channels on the left and a set of channel attributes at the top. Keep your business model, competition, and target market in mind, and begin to fill out the matrix by rating each channel using the words “low," “medium," and “high."

Review your current constraints (time, money, target audience, legal, etc.) and select the top one or two channels to test for viability. The viability of a channel is determined by its ability to drive predictable returns on the time/money invested. Once you find a channel or two that works, it’s time to double down and to continue to invest in optimizing the channel.

Not sure where to start with each of these channels? Check out these videos from 500 Startups’ WMD conference.

How To Ensure You Serve Your Target Market

In addition to reaching your target market, you must also focus on optimizing the process with which you use to serve them. In this case, serving them means getting them to your product’s “wow moment." To get more of your target market to your product’s “wow moment," Sean Ellis suggests that you focus on increasing desire and decreasing demand.

  • Increasing Desire: To increase desire you are continually working to test and optimize your messaging and positioning. The thought is, “with enough desire, people will overcome a lot of friction" says Sean Ellis. To execute on this and track your progress, you will need a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. Sean emphasizes that it’s paramount to keep the ultimate product experience in mind, so that you don’t increase desire for a product promise that your product is not designed to deliver on.
  • Decrease Friction: This step in the process is all about conversion rate optimization. It’s about seeking out and fixing all that’s preventing people from converting, whether that’s a macroconversion, like signing up for your product, or any of the microconversions that lead up to it. To dig in further on this topic, I suggest you read Qualaroo’s, “The Beginner’s Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization."


In this post, we’ve covered the essential elements to designing a startup for fast growth. If you’re farther along or you just want to dive deeper into growth for early-stage startups, you can access the audio interviews of today’s featured growth practitioners, the full 43 page guide, and tons of resources here (free for now).

Topics: marketing

Written by Dharmesh Shah


6-8-2015 04:47:44

good article

6-8-2015 11:34:47

great article, please send full article.

7-8-2015 05:54:31

Great post, Dharmesh! My company is following many of these best practices, and we're also scaling by putting most of our resources (after building a solid product that is getting great feedback from our growing customer base) into accelerating our sales FAST!

Also, we found our target market (digital marketing agencies) is always happy to hear from us because our app is helping digital marketing agencies like Marketo, Fathom, Harte Hanks and other companies to increase revenue 10X in one year or less.

If your product or service can help someone remove the obstacles blocking your path to success...there's no limit to how far you can go.

Love your content, Dharmesh, thanks!

PS- if you're open to the idea of just seeing how we're helping digital marketing agencies to 10X revenues in 1 year or less, give me a shout anytime!

11-8-2015 12:34:06

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25-8-2015 07:08:20

What a nice article. Insightful and resourceful.

Note: has just launch startup listing channel. Get your startup listed today @.


25-8-2015 17:32:11

You noticed that is offline, right? StackExchange pulled the plug because there weren't enough users.

27-8-2015 06:36:35

Great article, William!

PG also talks a lot about how a few startups in YC got really scrappy to ensure they were building something people wanted. He cites Airbnb going to New York every week to talk to hosts and sign up new hosts, and how the Collison brothers of Stripe handled all of their signups manually in a matter of minutes before they had built their automated system.

Keep up the great work :)

Jordan of

27-8-2015 18:21:17

Wonderful article! There must be a demand, a target market, and a way to reach and deliver goods and services. I really learned something with you startup inc. channel matrix. Thanks for sharing!

7-9-2015 13:36:36

Thank you for sharing nice article here......

9-9-2015 20:53:27

Terrific article! It was very informative.

11-9-2015 03:36:00

Very useful article. Insightful read.

15-9-2015 04:35:25

Great stuff!

16-9-2015 08:05:21

Fantastic article! I definitely needed some advice on reaching the right target market, the CAC/LTV formulas are also gonna be helpful...I will dig deeper into your blog! thanks :)


19-9-2015 06:18:58

Nice analysis. is also helpful for entrepreneurs for their startup journey.

19-9-2015 21:57:12

Thanks William. The full article is great, but I don't agree with the statement that viral ad has a low costs. The main problem is to make it viral and you may waste a lot of time and money just trying.

Robert Silva

22-9-2015 09:25:48

Being a Startup businessman, I came across a book titled “That‘s Naut My Business". This book gave me the insights that I need in order to launch and properly manage a new business. Must read for Start-ups or aspiring entrepreneurs in my opinion, this book is the answer key to common questions and problems that aspiring entrepreneurs encounter, before venturing into business ,who you can access your idea to make bullet proof successful idea.

22-9-2015 22:34:42

Wow William,

This is an amazing article. No stone has been left unturned! Plus you haven't made it to complicated for beginners to understand.

My audience will really find this content useful. I'm definitely sharing!



23-9-2015 15:03:06

Great read. Totally agree with you that it comes down to testing and verifying with analytics. What you can't measure, you can't manage!

23-9-2015 15:06:37

Soms moet je leren hoe je een bedrijf kunt laten groeien door daadwerkelijk een bedrijf te laten groeien. Ik herinner mensen er altijd aan dat er zoveel tools beschikbaar zijn die gratis kunnen worden getest, zodat je een bedrijf gratis online kunt krijgen. Hoewel het leuk zou zijn om geld te verdienen met deze bedrijven, als je ze vanuit een lerend perspectief bekijkt, kun je letterlijk niet verliezen zolang je "je les beëindigen" voordat de gratis proeven eindigen. Dat is waarschijnlijk de beste manier om te leren hoe je een bedrijf kunt laten groeien, IMO.