The Best Launch Party Ideas For Your Startup - Penji

De beste lanceringsfeestideeën voor uw startup

Tori Buckley

Als eigenaar van een gloednieuwe startup wilt u ervoor zorgen dat uw bedrijf opvalt in de branche waarin u zich bevindt. Om u te kunnen onderscheiden van potentiële klanten, moet u een goede reputatie opbouwen. Een reputatie komt voort uit het opbouwen van relaties met consumenten, klanten en zelfs andere bedrijven in uw branche. Engagement marketing is een snelle manier om die reputatie op te bouwen, uw relatie met klanten op te bouwen en vier het begin van uw startup om een ​​lanceerfeest te organiseren. Hier zijn enkele epische ideeën voor het lanceren van feestjes die je kunnen helpen beginnen met het plannen van je ultieme startparty bash.

Heb een doel

Meestal worden startpartijen gegooid om het merk en de identiteit van uw bedrijf de wereld in te krijgen. Andere keren organiseren bedrijven partijen om een ​​nieuw product te promoten of om klantenbetrokkenheid te behouden. Bepaal wat je probeert te bereiken met deze launch party. Wat zijn je beheersbare doelen en hoe kan het gooien van deze partij je helpen om ze te bereiken? Nadenken over het doel van het feest zal je enorm helpen voordat je ideeën voor lanceringsfeestjes brainstormt.

De locatie kiezen

The venue of your launch party is essentially going to be setting the vibe and tone of the whole event. Your venue should speak well with your brand in addition to the theme. When mulling over your launch party ideas, consider having your event at a unique location. Using a unique venue will get your company out of its office which in turn will add more exclusivity to your event by adding on a sophisticated environment.

Create a Theme With Your Launch Party Ideas

Once you’ve picked a venue, it’s time to move on to choosing a theme. Have a theme in mind that works well with the mission and brand of your company, as well as the venue space your company is using. A theme will enhance the promotion of a new product or your company’s mission. Using a theme for your party will not only be a great conversation starter, it will help you when creating activities for your guests to interact with.

Making Invitations

This, quite possibly, is the one most important detail when throwing a launch party. The invitation. The invitation you’re going to send out is going to be, for most of your guests, the first time they are interacting with your company. The first impression. This means that your invitation needs to be more than perfect. Your invitation needs to be clear, concise and concrete. It needs to reflect the theme of your party, the brand of your company and the details your guests need to know. Use the theme of the party, the venue and your other launch party ideas to help you in creating your invitations.

This step can sound overwhelming. No one really thinks about how being creative with an invitation can set the tone of your whole event. To distribute truly amazing and creative invitations, think about using a graphic design service. A company like Penji can offer you services in business cards, email newsletters, web design and app design, but most importantly, they can offer you unique invitations to send to your clients as well. The best design company will work with you until you create something, together, that will speak harmoniously with your launch party and your company.

Invite the Right People

Always keep in mind who your target audience is. Who you’re creating, serving and engineering for. Sure, your startup will want to invite family and friends to an awesome launch party, but make sure it’s exclusive enough to get those who aren’t invited interested in your business. Exclusivity will add a level of refinery to your event and business that can help start positive conversations in your network.

Invest in Your Party, Invest in Your Business

In order to throw an amazing launch party, you need to make sure have money aside to really invest into it. Having money for your party means having a successful party that looks put together. If your party looks great and professional, your guests will see that your company and services are worth investing in.

Use Social Media

Go live! In a world of Instagrammers, Facebookers, Youtubers and Twitter-ers, social media is the BEST (and cheapest) way to spread the word of your business. Create a hashtag and have your guests utilize it on social media. Ask your guests to tag you in their photos to help accumulate traffic to your website and social media outlets.

If you’re having a creative block while coming up with a clever hashtag, use your launch party ideas along with your company name to come up with a play on words. It’s also important to remember to post on your company’s social media as well! Posting pictures and tagging your guests can help your company get into different personal networks that could potentially increase your success.

Have Live Demos

Your launch party is a celebration of your success, yes, but remember why you’re throwing it in the first place. To showcase your products and services. Leave time or space at your party to show your guests exactly what you do. Set up a real-life demonstration of your business. Introducing your product to potential clients at your party will give them the opportunity to engage with your business, which could lead them to become loyal customers of your company later on!


People love prizes. People love free things. This is where giveaways come into play at your launch party. Have something to give to your guests to thank them for supporting you in new business venture. Giveaways can be small and inexpensive, but it’s important to remember to be creative. Your giveaways should be a tangible object that will help your guests remember your event and your business. Keep in mind that promotional giveaways, like t-shirts and pens with your logo on it, are a great way to generate free-marketing.

Give a Speech

De laatste stap bij het werpen van een geweldig openingsfeest is het houden van een toespraak en het bedanken van uw gasten voor hun komst. Het geven van een toespraak biedt u de mogelijkheid om met elke gast te praten. Laat hen weten wie je bent en laat hen zien wat er gaande is op het evenement vandaag. Hierdoor kunnen uw gasten weten waarom ze er zijn. Deze toespraak laat de gasten zien dat hun steun zeer op prijs wordt gesteld door uw bedrijf.